You don't prioritize your principles? You think it more important that your personal set of principles are more important than the sharp Left turn this country will take if Hillary is president. Incredibly selfish of you, not to mention just how traitorous it appears. So much for that GOP pledge. It only applied to Trump. Apparently honesty is not high on your list of principles, as well.
Update: Kasich is the Governor of Ohio, a man who pretended to be the most successful of the governor's on the primary stage, a man who is proving to be more wedded to his own personal and immediate agenda rather than the over-all health of the nation. The notion that he is a principled leader is beyond laughable.
Ohio may be the single key to the 2016 campaign for the GOP. Without Kasich, Trump cannot win in 2016.
What is shocking, is the unity that exists between the supposed Left and the phonies on the Right. Its all about power and money and the systems used to fool the partisan voter. Those voting for the Left, actually believe their leaders care about them. Nothing is more damning to the sincerity of the Progressive Promise than the failure of the Progressives to get things done in 2009 and 2010, when they had a congress that could not be defeated by the GOP opposition; super majorities in both houses with nothing to show for it except ObamaCare, a healthcare reform that is not fully implemented six years after its passage, and, the Dodd/Frank banking reform bill that has accomplished none of its stated goals.
A comprehensive immigration bill that named every Mexican north and south of the border as citizens could have been passed without opposition. Equal pay reform that mattered could have been passed, again, without any meaningful opposition from the GOP. Comprehensive gun control could have been passed without debate. And why were these things ignored? Because the Dems are not serious about solutions. Each of the above are part of the current campaign because the Dems chose to use them as election year issues rather giving them Progressive solutions.
And the GOP? The promise of "stand and fight" was made over and over again, but nothing of the kind happened.
We all know where the Democrat Party is headed. None us know where the GOP will land because of the rank hypocrisy that is the heart and soul of the conservative leadership.
If Trump loses because of the opposition within the GOP, I, as an independent, will do what I can to defeat the GOP at every turn. That Party no longer deserves partisan support. I won't be voting on principle either. Rather, I will be voting for the same reason John Kasich is doing his thing in Ohio . . . . . its called revenge.
Kasich is on the right side of history, as are a number of GOP congressmen.
ReplyDeleteZogby poll: In KANSAS 43-36 percent said they prefer Democrat Hillary Clinton to Republican Donald Trump.
If those trends hold through November, it would mark a historic shift in Kansas politics, where no Democratic presidential candidate has won Kansas since 1964.
Kansas has an ineffective GOP governor. But, there is a very good reason why the American people have elected 32 GOP governors to 18 for the Dems. I will leave it at that.
DeleteKansas is a prime example of the failure of GOP trickle down.
DeleteActually, Kansas is your only example of GOP failure. Like I said, 331 or 32 governors for the GOP to 17-18 for the Dems. The people have spoken and most of those governors were re-elected.
DeletePoint of clarity. Our $150 bet was that Trump would be elected president. If, in the unlikely event, Trump withdraws or is replaced, you automatically lose the bet.
Nope. The was Trump beats Hillary. If Hillary is indicted, the bet is off. Ditto for Trump . . . . but none of that will happen. You being a Democrat, I doubt you would pay if you lost.
DeleteI have the screenshot of the facebook discussion.
DeleteMe: $100 Trump won't win
You: You're on
Me: Yes, let's make it $300
You; I've decided to paint my bike so let's split the difference and go with $150.
The bet is: Trump won't win
In the context of his campaign against Hillary. This was never a bet on whether or not the GOP would win the election. It was always about the contest.
DeleteMy bet was about a straight up contest between Hillary and Trump. If she has to step down via the FBI (not likely), the bet is off. If the GOP takes him out, there is no bet.