She has been deleting emails for decades !!!

When former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton neglected to surrender all her official emails upon leaving office, the department’s inspector general acknowledged that she violated federal record-keeping laws.

What he didn’t report was that this has been her standard practice for decades, since at least her years in the White House while serving as first lady — and on an even grander scale.

During those years Clinton was at the center of numerous scandals, including Whitewater, Travelgate and Filegate, which were also the subject of investigations.

When Republican lawmakers and special prosecutor Ken Starr subpoenaed more than one million emails related to those scandals, the Clintons couldn’t produce them — they gave the old “the dog ate my homework” excuse.

It was their claim that they’d enigmatically disappeared and blamed it on a “glitch” in the West Wing computer system.

The subpoenaed emails covered an entire two-year span — 1896 to 1998.
Clinton has been burying emails since she was first lady.


  1. No one cares, didn't hurt anyone.... unlike the thousands Trump U. defrauded of their life savings.

    1. Again, you talk about events for which you absolutely nothing. There are no "thousands." The major complaints had to do with "hard sell techniques," that are standard fare in the world of sales. There are two private plaintiffs plus a suit brought by the Sate of New York. One of the plaintiffs is a Yoga instructor who bought six programs over the course of a year and has made a number of statements praising these programs , right up to the time she decided to sue. Now, as of a month ago, she is trying to back out of the lawsuit.

  2. We will remember you defended Trump, and Trump University. Fraud.
    You will be reminded of this.

    1. You don't argue issues because you can't. Instead, you do what Dems do best, threaten, read the race card, and try to silence your opponents. That is what you are doing, with your comment to this blog's editor. Somehow - and I do not know the editor other than reading this blog for several years - but I doubt you intimidate him. Kind of childish to even try, but that appears to be all you can do. Grow up.

  3. Tell me that to my face, coward.
