More global warming nonsense; this time coming out of California.

Gabriel Kahn / Mother Jones:15 minutes ago
For many decades, power players—Republicans and Democrats—have been marching toward a carbon-neutral existence. … California decreased its greenhouse gas emissions by 5.5 percent while increasing its gross domestic product by 17 percent. … 
Editor's notes:  So, California reduced its carbon footprint  . . . . .  a "fact" that can only be demonstrated in the non-consequential math of the Climate Change Freak.  
I live in the San Joaquin Valley,  in central California.  There is no demonstrable change as to air purity in our valley,  nor in any other region of the state.  I say,  "If we can increase our state's GDP with reduced emissions,  why not?"  But,  before we get too arrogant in this recent "measured success," we should take into account "reality" as dictated by (1) the number of burn-days allowed (higher than the year before) in the Central Valley;  (2) the fact that a 17% GDP in a world where 2% is normal is a preposterous lie, on its face;  (3) the undeniable fact that our Earth has experienced hundreds of climate change events over the centuries of its existence,  events that manifest themselves in warming trends and global ice age periods ,  all of which occurred as products of the earth being the earth,  all of which occurred before the influence of mankind and his industrial revolution.  Let's not forget that (4) all "global warming" is regional,  allowing the Central Plains to experience exceptionally  cold weather and record snowfalls while,  at the same time,  California is experiencing crisis level drought  (when Oregon and Washington State are not).  Like I said,  Its regional, not global. 
Several years ago,  the major media reported a global warming event as Spain was experiencing a record heat wave  . . . .  "proof of global warming,"  they said.    They did not report that Germany, France, Poland were marking normal weather patterns AT THE SAME TIME.   In other words,  there was no global warming event at the time the major media was reporting such to be the case.  
Keep in mind that no major global warming predictions have come true,  over the years.  Its all talk.   New York City was to be under 20 feet of water by 2015, as was the Hawaiian Islands and the Statue of Liberty,  but none of this happened.    Katrina (2005) was to be the beginning of as many as 17 major hurricanes in the Gulf,  but the following decade actually experienced lower numbers of catastrophic storms in that region.  
And to think that one day,  in the not-to-distant future,  my discussion of reality will be silenced,  and,  prosecuted as criminal speech !!!   


  1. And the leftist conspiracy continues:,-bom-says/7293500

    1. And every single point I made in the primary article, above, is true and without refutation.

      The part about "global warming making us sick" is even humorous, in view of the fact that there has not been enough of a temp change to alterthe growing seasons or mild the ice at our northern and southern caps or flood New York . . . . . . much less make people sick.

    2. Wrong.

    3. Again, reality is on my side. All you have are mathematical models . . . . . and they have been consistently wrong for more than a decade. Ditto in this case. Your article claims a temp rise of 4 degrees C, which is close to 7.5 degrees F . . . . . a ridiculous prediction. Review my reality argument and tell which one is wrong.

    4. " and they have been consistently wrong for more than a decade."

      Totally false and tired BS talking point. Here's an explanation of how people like Smithson are duped into believing the above BS:

    5. Absolutely NOTHING is falsified in the examples I gave.

      In the mid-1070's, junk science told us an ice age was upon us. THAT was "BS."

      "Science" told there was a world wide food shortage and starvation would be rampent by the end of the 80's. More "BS."

      Remember the ozone holes? We were all going to fry. More BS.

      Remember acid rain? Another man-cause death wish on Mother Nature . . . . . . . . and another pile of chunky style barnyard.

      The oil spill in the Gulf . . remember that? The Gulf waters would be non-productive for "maybe a hundred years." Well, 24 months later, there remained a decaying oil slick on the bottom, the the Gulf Waters were as productive as before. More crap from the environment scare freaks.

      Katrina (2005) was going to usher in 17 mega Gulf storms the following year, and cause rising tides that promised to flood New York with 20 feet of water, flood all the island communities and take out the Statue of Liberty. More Michael Moore/Progressive BS.

      Ignore the fact there is no such thing as global warming . . . . . only regional numerological record keeping. Look, when California is in a record setting drought and Oregon/Washington are not, well, that is hardly the definition of "global warming" except for the morons on the Left.

      So, play with your numbers and continue to redistribute wealth all you want. Makes no difference to me, because I will take care of myself and my own before I will give away my life style for a bunch of folks who play the system and snort the happy dust (those folks would be your voters, btw. You must be sooo proud).

  2. Classic science denial. Pushing lies.
    A survey of peer reviewed scientific papers from 1965 to 1979 show that few papers predicted global cooling (7 in total). Significantly more papers (42 in total) predicted global warming (Peterson 2008). The large majority of climate research in the 1970s predicted the Earth would warm as a consequence of CO2. Rather than 1970s scientists predicting cooling, the opposite is the case.

    Smithson is a stubborn and confused old man.

    1. So, your argument against my examples-in-time (immediately above in "comments") is to . . . . . . . . ah . . . . . . . . ignore what I wrote and revert to your tired mathematical models. Reality remains your biggest problem, and, specifically, I am talking about the reality of a multitude of failed predictions as relates to climate events.

      The overwhelming discussion of the day, back in the early '70s, was all about the coming (mini) ice age. I was there. Besides, the building of CO2 modeling did not begin until the 1980's.

      Secondly, it took 7000 years following the end of the last ice age (10,000 years ago) to register the beginning of a rise in CO2 levels. Over the past 3,000 years to the present, CO2 levels have more than doubled without a corresponding doubling in either the rate or fact of temperature rise, although, there has been an increase in temps, just not a corresponding increase.

      More than this, the primary cause of temp increases is our proximity to the Sun and the activity of the Sun (storms and sun spots).

      Reading the article found here,, a pro-warming article, and looking at what is actually said and not said, will help in this discussion. While the article documents a rise in CO2 levels, it makes this admission " . . . . though what that (CO2 increases ~ editor) does will become clear slowly." In other words, we do not yet know the effects of CO2 increases. My point exactly.

      What we do know is that the Statue of Liberty stands in the water, exactly as it did more than 120 years ago.

      Finally, a temp mapping of the US, here ( shows 1/3 of the US with no temp rise in the past 100 years. Most of the nation per this mapping, shows the rise in temps over the past 100 years to be 1 degree or less. But you continue with your carp warning, "The sky is falling, the sky is falling."

  3. More data to put you in your place...

    1. So, all of the Northeast and the Great Lakes are cooling, the average temp rise in South America is close to zero, the Asiatic ocean averages are close to zero, all of Europe and the northwest region of Africa is cooling and 70% of our oceans have temp increases of less than 1 degree to actually cooling. How is that "global" warming. Fear mongering is your only political weapon, here, and it is all about the redistribution of wealth.

      Its regional, dude. There is no such thing as "global warming." Its all regional.
