Headlines such as the following, are meaningless. Trump appears to be unstoppable while GOP leadership and Kasich continue to believe the fat lady has not left the house for her final musical appearance. (updated)

Tarini Parti / BuzzFeed:
Establishment Republicans Are Furious With John Kasich  —  WASHINGTON — On Tuesday night as return after return came in and Marco Rubio failed to break through, many establishment Republicans grew angrier that John Kasich was still in the race.  —  One of them was Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell … 

Editor's notes:  There is a caveat to the notion that "it's over."  And, that is the fact that Trump barely broke the 200 mark in Tuesday's final results.  Going into the Tuesday elections,  the accepted opinion pushed the idea that if Trump won 300 of the 595 total delegate votes available,  the campaign was essentially over.  Turns out that he got 203 at last count, early Wednesday morning.  More than this,  65% of primary voters did not vote for Trump. Problem:  if Cruz and Rubio and Kasich stay in the race,  none of the above will matter;  opposition votes will be divided and "a house divided against itself will not stand"  giving Trump the victory.  


  1. the religious right is dead

  2. And your definition of the "religious right" is . . . . . . . . . . ?
