The New York Blowhard has quit the Thursday debate because he is offended by the existence of Megyn Kelly. So, what does he do? Hold an event for wounded warriors and hold that event just blocks away from the debate site, same night, same time . . . . . . . and, of course, the money changers at CNN are going to air the event.
So let's compare the two events with ratings numbers . . . . understanding that Trump wants to out rank the debate tonight. In my book, only the highest ratings for the night will vindicate Trump. Anything less will spell defeat.
Secondly, The Blowhard repeatedly charged that he is the only reason the Fox debates are among the highest in history. Not true. Remember the first Fox debate? 26 million viewers during the main-stage debate . . . . . a wild record with Trump at center stage. But the debate immediately prior to the Main Stage, was that second-tier debate without Trump. It brought in 12 million viewers, without Trump, and, that was a record, as well. The Main Stage debate broke THAT record.
The cud chewers and exDemocrat Confederates who follow Trump around like he was the hero of a 3rd grade flag football game, constitute Trumps candidacy.
When the numbers are available, I will compare the two events. Its time to cut the crap as far as Trump is concerned.
You will eventually take your party's marching orders and fall in line. You will vote for Trump.
Let's see, you can't write without plagiarizing, and now, you think you are a prophet ?? Wow.