Telegraph: A British sniper is being investigated for shooting dead
an Iraqi insurgent preparing to fire a rocket propelled grenade because
he did not shout a warning, according to a pressure group representing
former members of the armed forces.
Editor's notes: Just to be clear, Obama's mindless Flower Power "rules of engagement" are the reasons for never enlisting in a Democrat run military . . . . . Democrat leaders do not believe that the lives of American soldiers are their first priority. And it is these rules that are costing thousands of lives across the Middle East and Aftrica, and, the loss of two wars (Afghanistan and Iraq after peace and success were declared by Obama) .
You cannot command "victory" if you believe "victory" is an unfair declaration, on the surface. You cannot win a war when you believe saving the lives of a few innocents in exchange for the deaths of hundreds of innocents is righteous endeavor. You cannot win a war when you are an intellectual coward.
Now you know.
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