Editor's notes: (After his noon address) Here is what Obama cannot do . . . . write legislation. And making it a criminal offense for a father to give his three sons his gun collection on penalty of a felony conviction is something that he cannot do. That scenario is one of the affects of his proposition presented to day. More than this, nothing he proposes deals with the problem he hates, and that is a gun in the hands of a murderer.
He asked this question: "There was a time when the gun lobby believed in expanded background checks . . . what happened?" Answer: Obama happened. He has acted on his own too many times. He has taken new law and subverted to his own liking without Congressional approval too many times. THAT'S what happened. Nobody trusts the man. Remember all the lies he personally told when trying to get ObamaCare passed into law? Most of the nation does, and it is unforgivable.
My question: Why did he wait until now to come up this? Seven years and this the best he could do? Good grief. Understand that this morning was all about headlines, period. Chicago, New York City, Washington D.C, L.A., Ferguson, Baltimore, Oakland, Sandy Hook . . . . . none of the above would have been affected IN THE SLIGHTEST. But again, why did he wait until his presidency is over? Answer: (Obviously) To feed red meat to his voting base. No one "in the know," believes that the Dems will have a turn-out the size of either of Obama's elections, and that is sending chills up the spin of Democratic strategists.
Expand background checks to include all gun dealer customers.
Background checks especially for those buying military style weapons.
Hire more agents to enforce existing gun laws
Hire enough additional agents to investigate/approve background checks 24/7.
Invest $500,000 in efforts to deal with mental health issues.
Source: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/01/04/fact-sheet-new-executive-actions-reduce-gun-violence-and-make-our
That's it. There is nothing to worry about here, If there is something illegal in this (I missed it) , the courts will shut it down as they have on 57% of the cases appearing before our Court System.
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