Stats you should know before entering into a discussion about gun control: of the 33,000 gun deaths per year, 65% are suicides and 33% are the result of gangland shootings. That's 98% of our gun death problem, folks. What's left, your ask ? Death by cop, accidental deaths and mass killings not related to suicide or gang warfare.
Now, about those myths:
1. For starters, the gun show "loophole" can only be closed via legislation on a governmental level (county, state, or, federal). Obama cannot close this supposed loophole via executive order.
I am not aware of any mass shootings or gangland killings coming from guns purchased at our gun shows . . . . . . . none.
Here in California, home of the San Bernardino mass murder by radicalized Muslims, state legislation requires all gun purchases, whether on line or via gun shows, be secured by a registered gun dealers . . . . . . . period. The guns used in San Bernardino were ALL registered. The buyers were given a background check. The murdering biotch who came from the Middle East passed through an Obama visa/background check and was approved by the Obama government.
Most authorities speaking out on the murder(s), argue that she readicalized her husband. So, if we are thinking about legislation needed to prevent mass murder via radical jihad, maybe we should actually try to keep radical Islam from infiltrating our society.
We might start with visa reform that is meaningful. Secondly, it would be good to expel the Muslim Brotherhood from the Obama Hussein's White House. Finally, we should put CAIR back on the FBI's terror watch list . . . . . . you know, the same list they were on before Obama brought his "occupy D.C." styck to Washington.
In other words, without federal controls opposing violent Islam, we cannot win the war we are in with radical Islam.
2. As relates to gun control versus our inter-city terror organizations (you might know them better as our cities' gangland population), understand that virtually all gang members fail background checks. Virtually all their guns are illegal. Let me say that again: "Virtually all gangland gun possession is illegal." The problem? We do not have enough jail space for these killer punks; we do not have any serious, large scale "social justice" programs, and, even if we did, our gangs are so violent that social justice ministers and their families are threatened, killed, or harassed into leaving the inner city to itself.
3. I am not opposed to universal background checks, as along as it via legislation, and the Central Government has nothing to do with its enforcement. Enforcement should be a local, county or state function. Understand that California cannot keep tabs on the guns/rifles it has registered. If the state cannot keep track of its registered gunowner population, the feds have no chance.
One of my son's in law, had two rifles stolen out of his truck (he is a diary man) . When he reported the loss, he found out that all his registration paper work had been destroyed by the state, six months after he purchased the guns. The state only keeps records on handguns, and, probably does not do a good job of that.
4. Finally an armed citizenry is the best protection against gun violence. Many if not most, police and sheriff organizations agree.
More than that, think about this fact: why are there no mass school shootings in our inner cities? Two reasons: some of our inner schools have strict inspections for the student body, each and every day; but more than that, if pat-downs (physical or electrical) are not in force, potential mass killers know that much of the inner-city student body is "packing heat." The wrong place to be, if you are a shooter, is in an inner-city school filled with gang members.
Now you know.
It's too bad that conservatives aren't more passionate about things that matter, like education, protecting the environment, physical wellness, advancing technology ... instead of guns, porn, and science denial. Such a fearful and backward group.
ReplyDeleteYou do know that our educational program is in a steady, two decades old decline because of Liberal nonsense.
DeleteAnd what side of the aisle is pushing creationism and fake science in the classroom?
DeleteA new study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior found associations between higher state-wide levels of religiosity and conservatism and increased Google searches for sexual content. Religious Conservatives are the biggest consumers of porn.
And what has your complaint to do with anything? Failing school systems are more the result liberal failed policy than anything. Look at California. Libs are in total control and our school systems are in constant decline, year after year, close to the comparative bottom in science and math.
DeleteIt is the liberal, open-minded elitist class that gave us porn. Private gun ownership is a constitutionally protect right. Suicides and gang violence account for 98% of our annual gun death totals. Fear Factor climate science has been wrong in nearly ever event prediction . . . . and Hillary's campaign is wholly based on fear.
ReplyDeleteMaybe by a percentage point or two and which politic produces and stars in our porn industry . . . . . it ain't conservatives. In fact, everytime Congress works to limit porn productions, the Democrats vote it down.