It is about time that NBC bear the wrath of those whom it seeks to destroy.

RNC officially breaks from NBC for next debate; awards moderator-spot to different network

The Republican National Committee made it official on Monday that it is severing its business relationship with NBC News for the upcoming GOP presidential primary debate…
 Editor's notes:   One of the more subtle, yet, harmful political arrangements of all time,  has been this business of a biased/Marxist media taking on the task of vetting all candidates for the  U.S. presidency.  What a load of garbage.  And the GOP allowed this circumstance for decades.  Time to kick the Marxist Media to the curb   . . . .   as is the case with NBC/MSNBE/CNBC.  
If the major Marxist media want the dollars for these debates,  perhaps they should learn the lesson of Wolf Blitzer moderating the CNN debate.  Most Conservatives thought Blitzer did an excellent job.  

During this campaign cycle,  clearly,  NBC is all about giving aid and a hiding place for Democrat politicians  . . . .   and this giving is profoundly obvious.  Of course,  the other major networks are in the tank for the One Worlders,  but, NBC simply cannot pretend to be objective   . . . . .     time is past for that network to be gone from GOP political positioning.  

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