Gun registration and Obama's plan to circumvent congress is meaningless and here is why:

Understand that Obama cannot legislate and the court's have said so on more than one occasion.  All he can do is expand existing programs and regulations.   

More than this,  the "gun show loophole" is a nothing burger because 90% of all gun show purchases involve federally registered guns, now.  Gangs and terrorist are not buying their guns at "gun shows." 

It's like his executive order to raise the minimum wage:  it only effects contractors who work for Central Planning,  most of which pay more than minimum wage, anyway.    In other words,  his "order" effected  almost no one  . . . .   certainly not the nation's workforce,  either private or unionized.  Just a lot of headline grabbing blow,  and nothing nothing nothing more. 

Ditto this executive order for gun registration.  In the end,  it is a meaningless event.  California will not be affected at all  .  . . .  neither will Washington DC or Illinois or a host of other states with comprehensive gun registration laws already in place.    

Most importantly,  after he issues this order,  people will see that he has done NOTHING to low gun violence rates,  or added to his fake war on terror.  Understand that gun violence rates are at a 20 year low and "gun registration" has NOTHING TO DO WITH FIGHTING THE WAR ON TERROR.  To argue against that point is to express one's mental illness   . . . .   but since when did mental illness prevent Libs are shouting "Amen, Obama?"  

Now you know.  


  1. Christian college is now allowing loaded guns in dorms. But ....they are prohibited from seeing R-rated movies, listening to music that is not “in harmony with God’s word,” drinking alcohol, dancing, or kissing. Women on campus are prohibited from wearing dresses or skirts “shorter than the top of the knee. Sounds like the Taliban.

    Liberty U. Where GOP candidates love to speak and they teach creation science. Your people.

    1. The mega church I attend, has members in each service, packing heat. Soooo, you OK with someone coming to your One Percenter home on the mountain, and killing everyone? Seriously ???
