She sang the song without instrumental assist. I lived in Mt. Shasta City, Ca, and was preaching, at the time. Just about every trucker in the area stopped what they were doing or driving, and listened to this song. I will never forget the impact this very liberal woman had on our community, for about three minutes. Truly, words matter.
It should be noted that although the "churched population" is decreasing, in this country, those who hold a favorable view of God remains about the same. If you understand that "religion" is the holding of certain views, whether of God or environmental responsibility, to the point that such views guide the participant in her daily walk, we can see that religion plays a role in the lives of nearly all Americans. Fanaticism is the holding of certain beliefs to the exclusion of all other considerations and to the point the relationships are determined by those beliefs. Nothing wrong with fanaticism as long long as it does not lead to a theocracy or, just as bad, a repressive governance that criminalizes opposition speech and behavior. Sadly, the current disposition within the Progressive community is toward a world without borders, shared but unearned wealth, and the condemnation of founding principles of the nation.