CNN's Jake Tapper works for the Marxist Progressive Party during the current presidential campagn.. Here is proof: (video)

As you may know,  Tapper was the primary host of the second GOP debate.  Tapper's assignment was to feature the dissension within the GOP:  "So and so said this about you; how do you respond"  a question asked over and over again.  And now,  his assignment is to refuse to accept Dr. Carson's explanation for his comments about Shira Law and its incompatibility with the US Constitution.  

It is my long held belief that the Leftist Media has no right to vet GOP candidates,  in view of the fact that they did not vett Barack Obama.  This interview and Tapper's assignment are reasons enough to make my case.  


  1. Excellent interview, excellent questions. Carson's position is not defendable unless you are a bigot, thats why he quit the interview.

    1. Of course it is defensible and 70% of Americans agree. The fact of the matter is this" Sharia Law is counter to the principles set out in the Constitution and our Bill of Rights, period. For starters, Sharia is a theocratic Islamic governance that punishes dissidents, subjugates women, imprisons or kills gays, prohibits free opposition speech, (gays, feminists, Christians, Jews and atheists) and resists free and open elections. That Jake Tapper does not know this, disqualifies him from being an objective media type, and raises questions as to his mental competence. ,

  2. Wonder how many medical breakthroughs were achieved by doctors and researchers like Ben Carson who've used aborted fetal tissue in their research? The hypocrisy. And tell us again, 'pro-life' Rep. Dejarlais (R-TN), why did you pressure your mistress and ex-wife into having abortions and then attack abortion rights? And tell us 'pro-life' voters, why did you reelect this guy in a landslide? Tell us Carly Fiorina, why did you lie about an alleged 'fetus on a table' during the GOP debate when the video was not of an abortion but a miscarriage? The hypocrisy, lies and misinformation is despicable.
