Black, gay killer hoped for a race war and was sympathetic to Black Lives Matters.

Revenge race murder: Bitter black reporter who gunned down white ex-colleagues live on air and posted the video online blames Charleston shootings and anti-gay harassment in manifesto

  • Vester Lee Flanagan II, 41, killed reporter Alison Parker, 24, and 27-year-old cameraman Adam Ward on live TV
  • Pair were filming for WDBJ at 6.45am in Moneta, Virginia, alongside local Vicki Gardner when shooting happened
  • Gardner was taken to hospital for surgery after being hit in the back while Parker and Ward died at the scene
  • Flanagan then used Twitter to post a video of the attacks alongside a rambling explanation while police hunted him
  • Also sent 23-page suicide note to news station saying he was motivated by the Charleston church killings
  • Said he bought handgun two days after killings, and added that his bullets 'have the victim's names written on them'
  • Flanagan had worked for WDBJ but was fired and escorted from the station's building after spats with coworkers
  • Flanagan's car was eventually found by deputies after he shot himself, and later died from his injuries at 1.30pm
  • 'As for Dylann Roof? You (deleted)! You want a race war (deleted)? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE …(deleted)!!!'