This nation was never in need of "fundamental transformation." Only those who despise our Founding disagree.

Understand that "democracy" in its rawest form,  is simple "majority rule."    The Utopian socialists,  we call them Progressives, today,  love to talk about "democracy," and tout their support for "democracy,"  even naming their media programing in honor of the concept,  programs such as "Democracy Now."  They "talk the talk"  while working to subvert our democracy and destroy the liberties of all who do not fall in line. 

You should know that virtually all dictators,  whether in China,  Russia,  Cuba,  North Korea,  Iran,  or wherever evil rules the day,  oversee "free democratic" election.  

Technically speaking,  minorities have no place in a "democratic" society,  no place at all.  This blog stands opposed to a Utopian brand of socialism that pushes "democratic elections" to the exclusion of minority ideology and place in a free society.  For "democracy" to be a bastion of liberty for all,  it must be "representative" of all people,   with free and open elections at all levels  (federal, state, local).  It is this qualification that is lacking under totalitarian rule and the freedom to speak out without penalty.    While the despotism always works for "democratic elections,"  those elections are often scheduled four years apart,   or more,  and do not include local elections that give the particular minorities their say as to their communities.   Free speech is forbidden in these countries.    Local officials,  in a totalitarian society,  are from the same political party as that which "won" the general and national election. 

There is no nation on earth that practices free and open  on a par with the United States  . . . . .  period,  and those who disagree,  do so with evil in mind.  Anytime you hear a voice objecting to the electoral process of our nation,  you are [probably] listening to an enemy of our State.

Are all elections fair and free,  in this country?  Probably,   but if not,  the electoral process,  itself,  is how changes are made when unfairness has been discovered.   The notion that an unfair election proves the failure of American Exceptionalism,  is no more the case than a financial "bust" proves the failure of Capitalism.  

Those who would work for "fundamental transfomation"  are the same people who seek to enslave the masses.  This nation does not need "fundamental" transformation   . . . .   never did.  Our founding documents gives us the "fundamentals" to correct the system and prosper the masses.  

Don't agree?  Move. 


  1. Why have the GOP consistently tried to disenfranchise voters by eliminating early voting, gerrymandering, imposing new and strict voter ID ... when there is NO widespread voter fraud?

    Everything we feared about communism has come true under capitalism: People have lost their homes, and savings, forced to work with no chance of retirement for meager wages, and have no voice in the system.

    1. Such a foolish summary. If you do not know the difference between a totalitarian, communist regime, why bother with a tutorial.

      People lose their homes because they cannot make the payment. Exactly how much private property is owned by non-communist rulers?

      No retirement? Only because you did not prepare? Of course, the statically poor are saved by the our system of benevolence, in this, our capitalist society.

      You and I both make far more BECAUSE of a robust capitalist system, than we would earn under communism. Good grief. What a moronic view of communism. Pathetic.
