Mission Statement: This blog reviews the news of the day in light of 242 years of American history. "Nationalism," a modern day pejorative, has been our country's politic throughout history, until 2008. Obama changed that narrative. Trump is seeking a return to our historical roots. Midknight Review supports this return to normality.
Pope working for a new world order. Is he pro-communitst? Well, he is certainly walking and talking like a duck.
<<<< Understand there are only two, broadly defined economic theories: Capitalism and related individual based practices versus socialist/communist and state run institutions. Clearly, Francis is not a capitalist. What's left . . . . . . . and I do mean Left?
You will want to read this article, a review of the Pope's economic position, as you consider the following editorial: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/07/08/pope-wraps-ecuador-leg-south-america-trip-after-calling-for-new-ecological/
Editor's notes: The world must avoid capitalist thirst for profits . . . . so goes his message as he tours South and Central America. But what is his view as to economic alternatives? How do we get goods and services of an emerging world into the hands of the common man living in those countries . . . . a question Pope Francis does not ask or answer. A very intelligent man, or so they say, who is lost in his own socialist theories.
Capitalism's biggest problem is greed of the emerging upper middle and rich class. Socialism's biggest problem is its inability to create wealth coupled with the greed of the ruling class. You decide which problem you prefer because your choice does not include "nirvana."
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Why are you so stubbornly oblivious of the truth and reality? When presented with facts you ignore them. When presented with a person who truly cares about humanity who speaks the truth, you dismiss him.
ReplyDeleteYou truly show the world what it means to be a "conservative".
And it's not just Republicans.
Since the Obama recovery began, CEOs at the 350 largest companies in the country pocketed an average of $16.3m in compensation each last year. That’s up 54.3% since the recovery began in 2009.
The average annual earnings of employees at those companies was only $53,200. And in 2009, when the recovery began? Well, that was $53,200, too. In other words, while the CEOs have seen their compensation soar by 54%, the typical worker’s paycheck hasn’t budged.
Right now, the average CEO compensation package is 303 times the size of the average earnings of their employees. And it's getting more and more lopsided.
The wealthy CEOs are responsible for making the bad decisions that cause financial crisis, then they demand a bailout, then they demand austerity to pay for their bailout, then they blame the poor for the crisis.
1. class warfare is a tool used in social revolution. After the revolution and communism in whatever form you prefer, is put into place, you still have the rich and the poor. I do not care what Joe CEO makes. His wage does not effect me at all.
Delete2. understand that our poor, those who live in the United States, are among the top 40% in the world. In other words, our poor are rich by standards of wealth in the emerging and 3rd world. All of this is because of capitalism.
3. I dare say that you are probably in the top One Percent of the wealthy in this country. Is it fair that you make more money than your family members? Is it fair that you have a meaningful degree, is that is a fact, and others do not? Is it fair that some business people understand how to make money and most of the rest of us do not? Is it fair that I have owned a deep deep cave for the past 40 years, and, only yesterday, hired help found a vein of gold that may prove to be mind-boggling (I speak out of one of my dreams but the question remains).
4. And the points of my post, above, remain without debate and true.
BTW, in Red China, their Stock Market is an embrace of certain capitalist principles, but is different from our Market, or the the Markets in Japan and Europe in that the Chinese do not allow IPO's. You are not allowed to start your own company and put it on their stock market. Central Planning wants its investors putting their money in approved stocks and nothing else . . . . . ergo, America really is the greatest country in the world. Even our enemies try to imitate out success, the Pope's opinion not withstanding.
DeleteDo you think you know more about God than the Pope? Do you think you have a greater love for humanity than the Pope?
ReplyDeleteI am not in the "one percent" of the most wealthy. The avg income of the top 1% is $717,000 / yr. Not my pay grade, so forget that talking point.
(However, I am in the top .0000001% of the fastest humans on earth at my age over 400m. Easily in the top 5 - in the world at age 55+).
The top 1% earn $343,000 annually (adjusted income before forced taxation). A One Percenter, according to Obama, is someone who makes $250,000 per year. I suspect that you earn close to that amount or your degree is fairly worthless.
DeleteDo I care more for the needy, than the Pope? I really do not know. Am I as studied in my faith as is the Pope . . . . . . . . . I would say, "Absolutely." And I know a number of theologians who are, as well.
Pope Francis:
ReplyDelete"This system is by now intolerable: farmworkers find it intolerable, laborers find it intolerable, communities find it intolerable, people find it intolerable ... The earth itself ... also finds it intolerable.
And behind all this pain, death and destruction there is the stench of what Basil of Caesarea, one of the church's first theologians, called 'the dung of the devil.' An unfettered pursuit of money rules. That is the dung of the devil.
Working for a just distribution of the fruits of the earth and human labor is not mere philanthropy. It is a moral obligation. For Christians, the responsibility is even greater: it is a commandment.
It is not enough to let a few drops fall whenever the poor shake a cup which never runs over by itself.
I humbly ask forgiveness, not only for the offenses of the Church herself, but also for crimes committed against the native peoples during the so-called conquest of America.
The new colonialism takes on different faces. At times it appears as the anonymous influence of mammon: corporations, loan agencies, certain 'free trade' treaties, and the imposition of measures of 'austerity' which always tighten the belt of workers and the poor.
Our common home is being pillaged, laid waste and harmed with impunity. Cowardice in defending it is a grave sin. We see with growing disappointment how one international summit after another takes place without any significant result."
The Pope has nothing to do with the conquest of America and has no right or obligation to apologize for other peoples sins. He bastardizes the concert of "colonialism" to make it include what it does not include as he speaks to a very certain idealistic end game that has no practical application in this world, AND, we have no commandment to spread the wealth of the world via the State's totalitarian authority. Francis knows the words of Christ, “the poor you will have with you always,” and Paul’s admonition “if a man will not work, let him not eat.” And while you (Anonymous) have no regard for Paul or his Christ, Francis does or so he claims. Leave it to a communist sympathizer to get things as confused as Francis has done.
DeleteNot everything he says is disagreeable to me, but when he uses just-criticism to further his God-ordained socialist pursuits (a pronounced form of godless-communism), he goes too far. He is has no authority in my life and, clearly, in view of your atheism, he has no authority in yours. So why bring him up?