Netanyahu speaks to Obama on the phone. Here is what he said. Just understand, the US is now co-partner with Iran in its advancement of terror in the Middle East. A "historic" deal in the same sense as Auschwitz.

<<<  Auschwitz  or the future of Israel in the Middle East?  For damn sure,  no one in Obama's Administration really cares.  Actions over negotiated rhetoric gives us the truth,  in this case. 

In a phone conversation with his primary American foe, B Hussein Obama,  the Israeli leader listed three troubling aspects of the agreement to Holt:
  1. It lifts economic sanctions against the rogue regime.
Obama and his two negotiating henchmen have admitted  that they expect Iran to use some of the monies they will receive in this nuclear deal,  to fund their terror activities,  prove,  OF COURSE,   that Obama is lying his backside off in his claim of destroying terrorism in the region (or at home,  for that matter), whether that be ISIS or Iran ~ editor
  1. It keeps Iran’s nuclear infrastructure in place.
Understand that this Administration (you know,  the Administration with a president who has a Muslim sounding name) knows that Iran has secret nuclear facilities in several places,  buried deep inside mountainous terrain along with research facilities it (Iran) is using in Pakistan.  Add these facts to realization that Iran's nuclear infrastructure is wholly in place,  and you have one of the most subversive "treatise" written in American history. ~ editor.
  1. It gives Iran 24 days to respond to any inspection of facilities by the U.N.
The Iranians must give permission before a U.N. or P-5 (whichever) can occur.  The request to inspect and the ensuing permission will a numbers of days.  If,  after the delays,  Iran says "no,"  there is a path to reconciliation that takes another 24 days,  and a third path,  as well.  In short,  Iran can deny inspections for months and months before anything happens   . . . . . . . . .    and what will happen?  Don't know?  Look to N Korea and the nuclear deal to keep it from getting a bomb. ~  editor 

Netanyahu explained: “When you let the number one terrorist regime in the world have a sure path to the bomb and hundreds of billions of dollars to finance its terrorism around the world, that’s not good for any of us.”

Indeed.  More than this,  when you a terror regime have a bomb and give it 150 billion dollars in reward moneies,  you make a fool out of yourself and an accomplice  to any nuclear/terror activity in the region. ~ editor

Regarding inspections, he added: “Can you imagine giving a drug dealer 24 days’ notice before you inspect the premises? That’s a lot of time to flush a lot of meth down the toilet.”

And here is the crux of Netanyahu's point of view ~editor  :  

Netanyahu said a good deal would have linked Iran’s conduct with the lifting of sanctions. “There is no linkage to Iran’s change of behavior,” he said. “They can continue their regional aggression, their terrorism worldwide, subversion in so many countries, in so many lands. In fact they’re going to get 100s of billions of dollars to fuel their terror and military machine, and they don’t have to change anything. They are even going to get their arms embargo lifted in a few years.”

He also pointed out that “Iran is building intercontinental ballistic missiles, not to reach us, they already have those missiles, but to reach the United States. The Supreme Leader of Iran said the battle will continue with the United States even after the deal. For them, we’re the little satan, you are the great satan.”

He observed that “just five days ago, the so-called moderate president of Iran was at a rally in Tehran where they burnt American flags and chanted death to America.”

Israel’s Labor Party leader and fierce critic of the prime minister, Isaac Herzog, stands with him concerning the agreement. “I had a meeting yesterday where I learned about the deal and I think it is bad for Israel. [Netanyahu and myself] will certainly cooperate when it comes to the security of Israel. As an Israeli patriot, this deal is dangerous,” the Times of Israel reports him saying.

NBC News noted that Netanyahu’s wariness about the deal is also “shared by the Arab world, where countries expressed skepticism that a deal would really prevent Iran from gaining a nuclear weapon, and voiced fears that Iran would only gain more in the region without economic sanctions.”

“It doesn’t happen very often in history, but when Arabs and Israelis agree, it’s worth paying attention,” Netanyahu told Holt. “Iran is different. It’s a zealot country,” he said. “It is governed by a group that believes in militant Islamic fundamentalism. It’s killed a lot of Americans. It’s killing everybody in sight in the Middle East.”

Source for the text,  above:  J Smithson (editor) and Western Journalism.  


  1. Why is Israel worth spending $3.15 Billion a year to support? What have they done for the US to support that investment? Israel is an affluent country, why do we give them so much money? Do christians have some sort of biblical Israel fetish?

    1. Well, for starters Israel was an ally before the Chicago raised, street thug, Jew hating Obama came along. Secondly, it is the only nation in the freaking region that does not consider us the "great Satan." Third, it cannot survive, militarily, if the US continues its path to total desertion. And, finally, it is the only open democracy in the region, which, obviously means nothing to your kind. But, of course, your friends and Obama's inbcludes e the US hating Muslim world. Any more question, Slyck.

  2. American taxpayers give Israel $10.2 million per DAY. Why? What are they doing for us? The US has, in fact, given more aid to Israel than it has to all the countries of sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean combined—which have a total population of over a billion people. Don't you think there is more need and suffering in this part of the world than Israel? Or should we turn our backs on the suffering to give to support an already wealthy Israel and their massive military complex? What would Jesus do - support weapons of war or help the hungry?

    1. Since you have spoken harshly of Jesus in the past, I assume you are kidding when using his name.

      But just to be clear, Jesus did NOT speak out against the military of his day and allowed members of the military to be his disciples.

      Do you even know what we do for parts of Africa in terms of dollars and cents?

      More need in other countries? Perhaps in some cases but none of it overwhelms Israel's need for survival.

      I assume you are talking about countries that have their own governments, their own system of taxation, their own set of totalitarian leaders. Tell me, how do you give to the poor of Africa without enriching the despots who rule over those nations?

    2. Quite a stretch there Smithson, saying Jesus would approve of bolstering a massive military instead of giving to the poor. Sounds like Republican Jesus.

      You don't think there is corruption in the defense industry ? Overcharging, waste, lack of accountability, etc...

      Israel has nuclear weapons, why do they need $10 million a day from the US? Huge entitlement that benefits no one in America.

      "many powerful people don't want peace, because they live off of war." - Pope Francis

    3. I am telling you he (Jesus) was not anti-military. But his mission was not the restructuring of domestic/social values. Rather, it was about a sacrifice in perpetuity for all the issues you and I complain about.

      Corruption is everywhere, across the board.

      And Obama just hand Iran more money that Israel will see in a life-time.

      And Israel cannot survive without our help.
