Maybe 4 dead Marines in shooting in Tennesse. Our story will appear as an update, here . . . probably tomorrow, when we have a firm grasp of the facts. Pray.

Update:  The rest of the nation knows what this event was all about  . . .  all of us except for Obama.  Keep in mind that under Bush,  there were no such events after 9/11.  Under Obama,  420 deaths and casualties;  60 active terror related prosecutions CURRENTLY active;  a president who actually thinks he is influencing folks when he refuses to admit the obvious;  and a continuing policy that refuses to arm our soldiers in a day and time when they are a primary domestic target.  Understand that this policy was created by Bush 41 and implemented by Bill Clinton.  

Thank gawd the FBI and CIA (and other agencies ?) understand the radical nature of this event and are pursuing their investigation understanding that this could be a radical Islamic terror event,  without regard to callous nature of Obama's denials.  

I can't evidence this,  but I do think that Hillary would not pursue this same level of denial,  if she,  somehow,  wins the 2016 elections.  The fact that she is pro-Israel (possibly) gives us a window into a post-campaign Hillary Clinton.  For certain,  you will not find her promising Putin that she will be a more flexible president,  after the elections. 


  1. another gov't hating right wing terrorist

    1. Really? He is from Kuwait and probably voted Democrat. He lived and died in this country, because of the feckless terror policies of Hussein Obama.

    2. Actually, if he is a muslim fundamentalist, he IS a conservative in every sense of the word. Muslim fundamentalists are characterized by denial of abortion rights, Ideological purity, fundamental belief in religious texts, love guns, hatred of gays, hatred of the government, deny science, attack education, hostile fear of progress, progressives, xenophobia, intolerance to dissent, run primarily by men, restrict healthcare and social programs .... does any of this sound familiar?

    3. Sounds like many Al Sharpton/Louis Farrakhan/New Black Panthers/AFL-CIO groups I know. Your thinking is exactly why this country is far far less safe today, than before Obama became Der Leader.

      There is no "ideological purity" when it comes to Radicalized Islam. There is no comparison between the dynamic and existential value of New Testament scripture and the "kill all those who will not convert" dictates of the Koran. Americans have their 2nd Amendment which provides them protection form the enemy, Radical Islam has their gun to use against all other people including you. I mean, what would you do, if these people came for you . . . . . . try to trade your life for your girl friends? You certainly have no other alternative. Education, for a conservative patriot, is the key to the sustainability of a representative democracy. No one on the Right fears the free exchange of ideas. The Left conflates education with Utopian propaganda, and seeks to pass laws that limit education and the free exchange of ideas . . . . . kind of like ISIS is doing, right now. Your side of the aisle preached "down with the government, back in the 60's and early 70's They quit that crap as soon as they became the government.

      To claim to have an advanced degree and be as illogical as you are, is truly amazing.

  2. Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez
