Inappropriate free speech?

<<<  While Obama is not deserving of any respect,  in my book,  the waving of this flag can only be seen as racist in few of the fact that Obama casts himself as an authentic black man.  I am a Yankee descendant.  Southern Democrats lost this war.  There national emblems and (especially) their war flag  (which is different from their flag) should have been outlawed.  I am not the only conservative  to feel this way. 

From the Hill:   Rep. Frank Lucas, another Oklahoma Republican who is close to leadership, said in an interview: “Free speech is an amazing thing. Unfortunately this was an inappropriate use of it.”

Two Oklahoma Republican congressmen ripped protesters in their state who greeted President Obama in Oklahoma City by waving Confederate flags, calling their actions “disrespectful,” “embarrassing” and “inappropriate.”

“I was shocked and disappointed by those who showed up to wave Confederate flags soon after President Obama arrived in Oklahoma,” Rep. Tom Cole, a senior House Republican, said in a statement to The Hill. “Their actions were not only disappointing but incredibly disrespectful, insensitive and embarrassing to the entire state.

“The unacceptable behavior displayed by these individuals certainly does not reflect the values and views of the vast majority of Oklahomans,” Cole added. “No president should ever be confronted by such behavior, especially when the purpose of the visit was meant to celebrate and recognize some of our state’s greatest achievements.”

source:  The Hill


  1. flag of the slavers, the losers... the teaparty.

  2. 40% of those in the south who want to continue the Confederate war flag for the sake of its historical value, are Democrats . The Dems invented this flag, fought a war over it, tried to create their own country, and cost the lives of 260,000 folks (on both sides) in their refusal to treat blacks as equals. It was the Democrat Party TO THE EXCLUSION of the GOP who gave us the "DNA of racism" (Obama's words).

    The GOP is the party of inclusion, not the Dems. I mean, how many blacks have ever gotten the approval of party leadership to run for the High Office? Answer: exactly one. How many have had the same sort of acceptance within the GOP? JC Watts, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Dr. Ben Carson to name a few.

    Our national leadership is younger and more diversified, than the current white leadershipship of the Democrat Progressives. ( I don't count black communist sympathizing Democrats as "leadership.").

  3. Smithson's joke of the day: "The GOP is the party of inclusion, not the Dems."

    113th Congress:

    Democrat: 80
    Republican: 23

    African - Americans
    Democrats: 44
    Republicans: 1

    Democrats: 30
    Republicans: 7

    Democrats: 13
    Republicans: 0

    Democrat: 7
    Republican: 0 (or in hiding)

    Democrat: 12
    Republican: 0

    What were you saying about the party of inclusion?

    1. You are not welcome in the Democrat Party if you question the immoral conduct of gays. I mean, they will attack you on the streets, camp in your front yard, threaten your wife and kids and try to get you fired. Sorry but that is not "inclusion."

      Ditto and worse if you are a conservative black. That is not inclusion, it is racism. Diito and worse for Progressive single women (the GOP has the majority of married women). Hispanics are not as narrow as other groups. At least they are not known for their gangster type responses to conservative Hispanics.

      Our presidential offerings are overwhelmingly diversified. And the GOP will continue to grow in its diversity while the Dems will continue to rely on gangster tactics to keep members in line.
