If Iran fails to keep its promises, as we all know it will, whose fault will it be? The answer is not what or who you think.

<<<  From his first day in office,  Obama was determined to balance the nuclear scales and make Iran an equal to Israel.  Iran was always going to have a bomb  . . .    in Obama's mind,  and this past week,  he made that happen.  

By now,  you may know that Americans will not be among those who inspect the various sites.  If that is a surprise to you,    sorry for the bizarre news.  

But Obama had an ulterior motive in mind with that part of the agreement.  

But first,  this additional and surreal bit of news:  the agreement will be ratified 90 days from now,  regardless as to what the congress will do within the next 60 days.  

So,  the deal is done to the exclusion of Congress,  and if it fails,  it will be on Iran and/or the U.N.,  but not on the US because the United States is no longer a participant in the furtherance of the "treatise."

Once again,  he has played the Congress for the fools that they are;  he gets what he wants   . . . . .    a stronger Iran, Israel be damned. 

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