How did she fair at the Democrat gathering last night? Not good . . . . but, make no mistake, she is "miles" ahead of her Democrat opposition.

 Hillary is outdone in first major Iowa test as Bernie Sanders calls for a 'revolution' and Martin O'Malley has some Clinton partisans on their feet – and she talks mostly about HERSELF

  • In the Democrats' first 'cattle call' event of 2015, all five presidential candidates appeared on the same stage
  • Clinton spoke of herself while two of her more energetic rivals fed red meat to the lions
  • Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders trumpeted a populist brand of liberalism meant to appeal to young fans of free college and income redistribution
  • Former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley's voice trembled as he shushed Hillary's partisans with a lengthy list of liberal accomplishments
  • Clinton's best lines, about Donald Trump's hair and global warming deniers, couldn't match the energy brought by her two main rivals

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