For the record, the GOP controlled Senate does not have the final say as to this Irainian deal . . . . . not even close, so why is the Right pretending they have a say in this matter?

Understand this:   because Obama is not calling this Iranian deal a "treatise,"  which it is,  Congress does not have the final say,  period.  

"But I thought they voted to have control,"  you say.  Like just about everything else we have been told over the past 7 years (and more),  this is only ruse, and,  this time,  it is the GOP who are the deceivers.  

The approval of a "treatise" requires a vote count,  in the Senate,  of 66 votes.  Obama knew full well,  that this deal with Iran would not get 66 votes.  Why?  Because this is not about preventing Iran from getting a nuclear bomb.  Rather it is about lifting sanctions on a Muslim population that Obama favors,  after all,  his chief and long time counselor,  Valarie Jarrett,  was born in Iran.  Let's not forget that his name is Muslim as was his father's faith.    It is about funding "evangelistic" Islam with $50 billion dollars in "up front money" and as much as 120 billion coming in the months and years ahead.  It is about lifting sanctions.   It is about getting even with Israel for its opposition to Islam and the Palestinians.   So,  "no" to a "treatise."  

But the difficulties he envisioned in getting 66 to approve a treatise,  are the same problems the GOP will have in over-coming a veto,  should the Senate's first vote be a "no."  They vote "no,"  he vetoes that legislation,  they fail to get a 66 vote majority to override the veto,  and,  BAM,  he gets what he wants.  

For Mitch McConnell to go on the various news shows,  yesterday,  and pretend that he and his GOP cohorts are in the driver's seat,  is either a disturbing mental lapse,  or a flat out lie.  He (McConnell) will not have enough votes to refuse Obama's feckless proposal and everyone "in the know," knows this to be true.  

Of course,  I speak in practical terms.  There is always the "possibility" I am wrong,  but,  hey,  that happens so seldom in matters political,  that this posting is much closer to historic reality than it is a "simple commentary."  

If I am wrong,  I will be one happy fellow   . . . . . . . .      but I don't think so. 


  1. GOP controlled congress approval rating:

    1. And yet, the GOP keeps winning elections. 16 years in the WH for Dems including whats left for Obama and the weakest political existence since 1928 . . . . . 20 years in the WH for the GOP.
