Commentary: Thje Left in debate with the Right. When you finish reading, maybe you will understand more the debate issue than before you read the comments.

A liberal "comment" really needed to posted to this format,  so here it is   . . . .   the left versus the Right.  Read and decide.  The editor is "right" (of course).  

Trickle down depends on the fact that the wealthy will provide opportunities for a better life for their employees.

The number one point here for you and your readers to understand is that not all wealthy people do this.

Editor:  Stop !  In totalitarian and socialist driven nations,  the wealthy work for Central Planning.  There is no “trickle down at all.”  And,  hence,  no possibility for wealth creation on an individual basis.  In a society whose government gives you your job,  it also limits your advances,  determines your salary and caps your ability to  increase your personal economic circumstance. 

One group of wealthy has, for the most part, has adopted a code that values mass education and human rights; held up public service as both a duty and an honor; and the belief that once you made your wealth, you had a moral duty to do something positive with it for the betterment of mankind. Their legacy depended on this.

Editor: you have just described a healthy view of capitalism.  I believe in this.  John Kennedy was a hero of mine.  Wilson and FDR believed in a governmental enforcement of your statee ideals.  Gates and Buffet live for themselves first and got rich in the practice of capitalism. 

Among the presidents that embodied this were the Roosevelts, Woodrow Wilson, John F. Kennedy, and GHW Bush. Among financial elites, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet - both partake strongly of this traditional view of wealth as power to be used for good.

Editor:  you left out the Koch brothers who help under-write research programs for 245 colleges and universities, gave 506 million to  medical philanthropy, 814 million to the U.of Kansas for historically underrepresented college youth and on and on  . . . . .    and there are dozens,  if not hundreds of such examples on the Right  . . . . .   so stop with your shallow pretense that it is the Left that has corralled kindness and fair play. 

On the other side you have the presently dominant conservative wealthy capitalists that show an utter lack of civic interest, hostility to the very ideas of democracy and human rights, love of hierarchy, fear of technology and progress, reliance on military and force to maintain “order,” and with no concern of inequality, as if it were an order divinely ordained by God. Elites who dare to argue for increased investment in the common good, infrastructure, and believe that we should lay the groundwork for a better future, are regarded as just silly and soft-headed.... even socialist/marxist.

Editor:  I have no idea why you write such nonsense.  Do you not know that 60% of Wall Street CEO’s are progressives and capitalists   . . . . . .    at the same time?  I actually know a large number of very well to-do folks and none of them fit into your description  . . . . .  not one.  In fact,  you pretend that it is the Left who supports law and order  (ever heard of the lawlessness of ACORN,  Occupy,  Al Sharpton and his horde of rioters,  the New Black Panthers,  the Nation of Islam with threat after threat coming the punkish Louis Farraklhan?) as well as the military.  You have no credibility when you write such demonstrably inaccurate crap. 

Conservative capitalists talk about "losing liberty," the loss of the ability to dominate the people and property under their control -- and, worse, the loss of status and the resulting risk of being held accountable for laws and taxes that they were once exempt from -- is what they're really talking about. Anything that gives more freedom, benefits, and rights to lower-status people can't help but viewed as a loss of capital and limiting the freedom of the wealthy to use the working class as they please.

Editor:  So what did your side do for the poor in the last 7 years?  How many of the poor have been moved off the welfare rolls because of your programs?    How many were freed from economic dependency in those first two years of Obama,  when you did not have to answer to the GOP at all?  Good grief,  none of us do what really needs to be done for the poor and poorly qualified.  Your side of the aisle are not the only ones I blame for the historically  stagnant reality that is the case with the Amerian "poor."  

These type of wealthy conservative capitalists have come to dominate present day America. Given a choice for the betterment of the worker, increasing benefits, wages, etc... or making a few less million, today's wealthy does the thing most conservatives would call "good business". Sending jobs to China and sheltering taxes in offshore accounts.

Editor: You do know that you are talking down the very folks who create the jobs and business opportunities for those who want economic mobility,  right?  

I deleted the last paragraph simply because I was tired of debating ad hom attacks.  Ad hom is used in debate when the proponent has nothing to say on the subject at hand or to his own defense. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I have decided not publish remarks against the Koch brothers unless and until I can verify a source for the commentary. As things stand, I see the comment as an outrageous lie. If published, it will become "fact " in the mind of the partisan. If Anonymous cares to send me his sources, that would help.

    2. Indeed, I found the source for the attack on the Koch brothers. it was the Huffington Post. This blog does not recognize the Huffington Post as a legit news source nor does it operate outside the notion that lying for the greater good is perfectly acceptable.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Last time I looked, the Koch brothers were not running for much of anything. You ignore Tom Steyer's hypocrisy, George Soros's communist related ties and money, and all the hidden funding behind both Barack Obama and, now, Hillary.

      I am no fan of politics, but it appears to be a necessary evil. To pretend that your side is righteous to the exclusion of the Right side, is laughable. I mean, they cannot and do not pass any legislation that is not laden with hidden programs and regulation . . . . . . . all of which is buried under whatever lies are told to get the legislation passed. Maybe my side does that, but your side does it as a matter of "principle."

      Find an issue to talk about. I do not do ad hom.

    5. Showing your cowardly colors again, old man
