A question I am wrestling with: Can we be American Proud when being lead by those who are enemies of Traditional and Exceptional America? Maybe this video will answer the question:


  1. Definitely some enemies in our leadership... Republicans have become so desperate in their attempts to allow bigots to discriminate freely against the LGBT community that they have crafted a bill with language so loose that would allow “Christians” to fire single women for getting pregnant H.R. 2802, or the First Amendment Defense Act.

    Disgusting. Enemies of the people. GOP war on women. You just lost the election, GOP ... because you just lost women.

    Donald Trump is now your frontrunner ... says a lot about your party. We'll see how that works for you.

    GAME F'N OVER chump.

    1. Why not wait until Trump wins the primary before making him the head of the party. I am thinking that will not happen.

      Secondly (and we are not going to debate this . . . . in other words, my statement, here, is the end of this debate) , there is absolutely nothing in 2802 that would allow the firing of a single women for becoming pregnant. You are not confused, here, you are telling the readership an intentional lie.

      Here is a key statement taken from the bill: "Nothing in this Act shall be construed to preempt State law, or repeal Federal law, that is equally or more protective of free exercise of religious beliefs and moral convictions. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to narrow the meaning or application of any State or Federal law protecting free exercise of religious beliefs and moral convictions. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prevent the Federal Government from providing, either directly or through a person not seeking protection under this Act, any benefit or service authorized under Federal law. "

      The bill, as written, is not about giving the heterophobic crowd a disadvantage, legal, unless, of course, it is their plan to criminalize opposition speech . . . . . which, of course, is their agenda .

    2. And this...
      Republicans have resorted to their annual attempt to eliminate the Title X program that provides family planning services, including contraceptives, to roughly 4.6 million impoverished women. As usual, since Republicans in the House control the nation’s purse strings, they are using the 2016 budget to eliminate all funding for Title X and finally end the program that has been one of their cherished goals since taking control of the House in 2011. Title X program was created in 1970 under Republican president Richard Nixon, the concept of federally-funded family planning services had overwhelming support from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle who acknowledged the pressing need to make birth control more accessible to impoverished American women.

      The evangelical Republican war to abolish the now 45 year old family planning program was successfully thwarted by a Democratic-controlled Senate. However, now with a Koch-fed Senate repaying evangelicals for getting out to vote in 2014, it looks like Republican theocrats will finally eradicate Title X, and deprive at least 4.6 million women from having access to reproductive care including safe, dependable contraceptives, cancer and STD screenings, and assistance in planning when to start their families.

      See how well that works for you, loser.

    3. "Family planning" in the Democrat Party is the tactic of killing off your unwanted children. If I was a Democrat teenage and overheard my parents, too old to have children, talking about "family planning," I would run next door, as fast as possible and scream for protection.
