Supreme Court EPA decision: What does it mean for the American people?

Update (7/1 an a 24 share):  Whatever the legal impact of this EPA decision,  the Court's decision puts a "pause" on Obama's revenge game against coal,  and gives that industry legal ground to file time-laden lawsuits,  win, lose or draw.  

Original post:  

I have taken a couple of hours,  listening to the business community  (as opposed to news forecasts) in their analysis of this decision.  

Here is what I have learned with regard to the EPA/High Court decision:  

There was some sort of EPA decision,  in the recent past,  that legislated 10 million dollars worth of ANNUAL upgrades for 6 million dollars worth of benefits. This factored into the High Court's decision this morning.   

The fact of the matter concerning the Obama policy on EPA standards is this:  the EPA before today,  did not have to deal with cost-analysis  in making their draconian regulations.  Before his 2008 election,  Obama actually said that his coal standards would bankrupt that industry.  Well,  today,  the High Court handed out a huge "no can do"  and,  in effect,  gave the energy industry critical breathing room.  

What happens next?  

In a word,  the traditional energy industry will wait out this Administration.  What most people do not know,  and no one in the Obama Administration cares about,   is this fact:  in the past 25 years,  the coal industry has eliminated more than 50% of its harmful emissions,  and,  modern-day energy facilities built  before Obama,  are producing 95% less emissions than their older prototypes.  

More than this,  you should know that commonly known scientific research tells us that if the U.S. reduced its harmful emissions to zero by 2050,  there would be NO measurable change in recorded emissions or pollution, world-wide.  

African nations have complained that they are "developing nations,"  and must be allowed a certain degree of pollution.  Understand that "pollution" and industrialization go hand in hand.  Emergent nations of this world  (previously known as "third world nations") cannot afford to develop industry  (buy inventories,  purchase properties and factories,  pay for research and marketing,  and give employees a "living wage" per American standards) and comply with the regressive climate standards modeled by the U.S.,  at the same time.     In effect,  the Industrialized Nations are creating a two-tiered world that insures those at the top, stay at the top, and, those at the bottom,  cannot keep up or move up.  But,  more than the concerns of Emergent Nations,  you have Russia,  China and India  . . . . . .   prolific polluters unwilling to comply with any restrictive standards.  Until they join the fray,  nothing the US does in terms of regulations,  will be productive on the world's stage. 

It is my opinion that if we can't control the EPA,  we need to disband that agency.  Dido for the Department of Education.  I am a Christian,  and the Nazarene once said this:  "The Sabbath was made for man,  not man for the Sabbath."  Expand that thought to all of man-made laws,  and you have the proper perspective as to the importance and place of all domestic laws.  

It is simply asinine to elevate man-made laws and regulation to the point,  that they enslave and bankrupt whole sectors of the population.  

How many times has Obama said,  "We have to do this now?"  He said it with ObamaCare,  the 2009 Stimulus,  the Dodd/Frank Too Big To Fail banking reform and many of his failed Utopian fantasies.  As a result, we have passed into law,  thousands and thousands of pages of law without reading any of them   . . . . . .    all because we "do not have time to read,  we must act now."  


Such was a ruse for the purpose of passing legislation that would have never seen the light of day,  if folks had read the particular bill.  Blame the Legislature for this,  not Obama.  He is only a slickster who knows how politics work,  in D.C.,  and uses that knowledge to his Utopian advantage.

Anyway,  nothing but good news for the poor and middle class who rely on coal for their heat   - - - - -   something that Obama could not care less about.   

Time for a change,  and that change,  in part,  is happening as I write.


  1. And the right-wing "culture of life" legalizes lethal injection.

    1. And you see a moral equivalency between an innocent unborn and the punishment due to a convicted killer? Is that your argument? Wow. Readership should note that when this type of manifest lunacy becomes the argument of the day, the opposition has nothing to say.

  2. By ruling that Arizona’s Independent Redistricting Commission is constitutional, the Supreme Court of the United States kicked the asses of plutocrat-loving Republicans. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg wrote the 5-4 majority opinion, joined by Justices Breyer, Kagan, Kennedy and Sotomayer.

    This will shape the meaning of vote equality in the years to come. Had the court ruled the other way, it would have removed the last real hope of stopping the Koch controlled Republicans from rigging elections in their favor.

    GAME OVER - chalk another one up for the people.
