When the radicals at MSNBC want to blame the mess in Libya on Hillary, you know the woman has problems within her own party.


  1. Interesting proof that MSNBC is more than willing to criticize democrats. You don't see the same level of journalism on Fox News.

    Economist Bruce Bartlett, a former adviser to both Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, warned over the weekend that Fox News had damaged the Republican Party by creating a bubble for conservatives to brainwash themselves.

    In his paper “How Fox News Changed American Media and Political Dynamics” published earlier this month, Bartlett theorized that watching the network was essentially “self-brainwashing” for viewers, making them believe that the United States was a more conservative nation than it actually was. And so the Republican Party had responded by running radical conservatives that representative Fox News viewers, but not the true state of the electorate.

    “Many conservatives live in a bubble where they watch only Fox News on television, they listen only to conservative talk radio — Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, many of the same people,” Bartlett told CNN’s Brian Stelter on Sunday. “When they go onto the Internet, they look at conservative websites like National Review, Newsmax, World Net Daily.”

    “And so, they are completely in a universe in which they are hearing the same exact ideas, the same arguments, the same limited amount of data repeated over and over and over again. And that’s brainwashing.”

    Bartlett asserted that it was a bigger problem for conservatives than liberals.

    1. I don't know about Reagan, but Bartlett was a Treasury undersecretary, not a personal adviser to Bush 41. Secondly, "41" was hardly a conservative icon. Third and to put it bluntly, Bartlett is a nobody in the arena of conservative, GOP politics.

      Proof of this opinion, is the article “anonymous” has cut and pasted to this comment line. Fox News has done no harm to the Republican brand, It is a news cable network, and employs dozens of libs to compliment its dozens of conservative types. What it is not, is a bastion for One World, Utopian drivel. That is the work of MSNBC more than any other news corps (pronounced “core” for all you Obama types out there) and is the reason that network has the lowest ratings of all news outlets except Al Jazeera and HLN.

      Further, Bartlett represents those folks who somehow know how Fox and Limbaugh work, without spending any time listening to either. In the world of objective review, we call this “blind bias.”

      Bartlett’s statement from above, "“And so, they are completely in a universe in which they are hearing the same exact ideas, the same arguments, the same limited amount of data repeated over and over and over again. And that’s brainwashing," can be made about NBC, CBS, ABC, (listen to one and you have listened to all), and is the operating M.O. of the Marxist/Progressives at MSNBC. CNN does not have the ratings, but is fairly balanced when it comes to representing Conservative opinion.

      Anytime a network thinks to employ, full time, someone on par with Al Sharpton, you are talking about an organization that is brain dead and beyond redemption . . . . and "redemption" is what the above comment is all about. Kind of silly that you, Anonymous, would think your cut and paste has any credibility at all, on this blog or any blog representing patriotic conversation. Kind of silly that you, Anonymous, thinks she can redeem an Al Sharpton, revolution/chaos loving, media outpost.

      Finally, I actually do not know any conservatives who get their passion for conservative political values from Fox or Rush. As far as what conservative choose to read, on the internet, all political minded folks do the same . . . . read and watch programming that informs and, often, confirms what they already believe.
