“It is disheartening that we are seeing such an increase in violence, especially when we think about the progress that we’ve made,” Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake told WJZ. “We’ve come too far to have this type of setback.” Unfortunately, this race baiting reformer, apparently, has no clue that it was her actions, during the riots that immediately followed the funeral of Freddie Gray (same afternoon and evening) that left her police force without any official support and gave opportunity for these terrible statistics.
This policing slowdown, is all on her and that angry black woman who is prosecuting the officers associated with Gray's death. Most prosecutors watching the development of the case against the six Baltimore police officers (three of whom are black, btw), tell anyone who will listen, that "second degree murder" is a ridiculous charge. Most believe the more severe charges against the six, will be reduced, and a "change of venue" is critical. Time will tell, of course.
The reader should know that paid rioters, out of the Al Sharpton cabal, have attended all of the most recent riots (Cleveland, Baltimore, Ferguson). When I write of rioters being paid, I am talking about pay-checks of as much as $2,500 dollars for a weeks "works." The payments came to light when a number of rioters did not receive their checks, as promised. Involved in this payment arrangement are members of the SCIU, ACORN, and an ACORN affiliate known as MORE.
All things are cyclical. Sad that we have to said for the terrible cycle to pass.
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