Rand Paul leads Hillary by one; Rubio draws within 2 points and Jeb Bush leads her by one in Florida - as Hillary's email subtafuge continues to suck the air out of her campaign.

Editor's notes:  as her legal woes continue to grow,  the effects of her deceit threaten to take her down,  as a Democrat primary candidate,  aside from whether or not she is found guilty of an actual crime.  She is facing a closed door,  House hearing no later than the first of May in which she will be put under oath.  Being a Democrat Progressive ala Saul Alinsky, my guess is that she will simply refuse that invitation,  even if it eventually takes the form of a House subpoena.  I mean,  that is what Democrat Progressives do when put in corner:  destroy evidence,  send staffer out into the public square to do their lying for them,  simply say "no" to any and all legal demands,  depend on media support and hope the whatever-scandal will have no effect in future elections.  

Understand that this is the modus operendum of the New Progressive Party.  As a patterned response, such does not typify the GOP,  nor will that ever be the case as long as Grand Old Party has a conservative,  patriotic,  base.  Conservatives on the Right,  and Occupy, New Black Panthers, the Green Militant Movement,  and the political use of chaos,  on the Left.  

20 years ago,  there really was not a lot of difference between the two national parties.  Today,  the differences are formidable and demonstrative.  The "enemy from within" is here,  and functions in the form of New Progressive Party.  Understand that the "New Progressives" are not the "Old Progressives" as defined by Woodrow Wilson and FDR.  The difference between the two is generational and Marxist in its nature.  While the Democrat Party is the party of Central Planning and Big Government,  most leadership within that party are not driven by Marxist thought.  Obama/Warren are not typical to Democrat Party history.  Obama is no FDR.  Hillary has been pushed into the Obama box, for fear of losing in the primaries.  In the end,  her cowardice just might be the end of her hopes and dreams as "president." 


The Hill
Hillary Clinton’s favorability ratings have plunged in two battleground states that will be critical to determining the 2016 presidential election, a new poll finds.
In addition, about half the voters in Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania say they don’t trust the former secretary of State.
According to a Quinnipiac University survey released on Tuesday, 50 percent of voters in Florida say Clinton is not honest or trustworthy, compared to 41 percent who say she is. Clinton’s favorability rating in the Sunshine State has shrunk from 53 percent positive and 39 percent negative last month, to 49 percent positive and 46 percent negative this month.
In Pennsylvania, 49 percent of voters say they don’t trust Clinton, against 44 percent who say that they do. Clinton’s favorability rating in the Keystone State plummeted from a 55percent-38 percent split in February, to 48 percent positive and 47 percent negative in March.
Clinton’s image has held up the best in Ohio, where a slim plurality, 47 percent, say they find Clinton to be honest and trustworthy, against 46 percent who say they don’t. Her favorability rating remains nearly unchanged here, at 51 percent positive and 43 percent negative.[…]
Clinton has said she turned over to the government those emails that were pertinent to her work as secretary but deleted all of her personal emails. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the head of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, says Clinton has erased all information from the personal email server she used. Many Republicans are pressuring Clinton to turn her server over to an independent investigator.[…]
In Florida, Clinton has lost her lead over Jeb Bush. Last month, she edged the former Florida governor 44 percent to 43 percent. Now, she trails Bush by 3 percentage points, 45 percent to 42 percent.
Clinton leads all other potential GOP presidential contenders in the Sunshine State, but her leads are narrowing. For instance, a 10 percentage point February advantage over Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) has been whittled down to a 46 percent to 44 percent lead.
In Ohio, Clinton leads the entire pack of potential GOP contenders, where she has a 46 percent to 41 percent lead over Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), the closest likely GOP hopeful in that state.
Paul also performs the best against Clinton in Pennsylvania, where he holds a 45 percent to 44 percent lead over the former secretary of State. Clinton leads all other GOP contenders in the state.


  1. ALINSKY!!!


    1. All of Obama's domestic "Occupy" strategies are right out of the Alinsky book, Rules for Radicals. In fact, Obama taught Alinsky at Columbia and as a community organizer. You do know that Alinsky's book was written as THE bible-guide for community organizers. So, you can play "dumb" all you want, facts are the fact.

      More than this, Hillary was a intern for Alinsky, back in her college days.

    2. FYI Hillary's college thesis was on Alinsky's methods which she panned as ineffective.

      Your front runner Walker, could be the first college drop out president in a century. Very pathetic educational backgroud, he's have trouble getting a menial job in most fields. While in the brief time he was in college, he was disqualified as he ran for student body president for violating campaign rules. What a background.... how appropriate for a GOP leader, preacher's son, no education, caught violating campaign rules in college... before he dropped out.


    3. He is a GOVERNOR, fool. Want to talk about his background? How about 11 consecutive election victories? And what has Hillary done. Well, she married a horn dog and sold her soul for a chance at the presidency; she orchestrated the fantasy explanation for Benghazi, but accomplished nothing as Secretary of State, so ashamed of her record , that she has destroyed ALL of her Department records pertain to the Middle East.

      But you need not worry about Walker . . . . who would be great; your problem is Marco Rubio or Rand Paul or Jeb Bush, who have promised to dismantle all or most of the what Obama is doing, outside of congress.

      And, oh, btw, Walker is college educated, the last time I looked. No degree? Well, we have absolutely no scholastic records of Barack Obama . . . . . none. Heck, the man can't pronounce "corps," thinks there are 58 states in our union and could not get 4 "yes votes" after submitting 5 budget proposals . . . . . how stupid does a man have to be to write 5 budgets and score 3 yes votes versus 1124 "nay" votes? Seriously, how stupid is that?

    4. the self certified "dr" Rand Paul does have a chance. His popular positions on legalizing drugs and cutting off aid to Israel is supported across party lines.

    5. Another Democrat lie regarding Paul and "cutting off aid to Israel." Just this past week, he made a statement of support for Israel and "support for Israel" is supported "across party lines." This nation is not anti-Semitic, despite your BS lies to the contrary. 70% of the people want a nuclear treaty with Iran, but 80% do not trust Iran to keep that treaty and 56% do not believe in what Obama and the Viet Nam traitor, John Kerry, are doing.

    6. Like Father, like son:

    7. Your lies are institutional, you parroting Democrat talking points, majoring in lies and misinformation. You do this on purpose, which has a lot to say about your moral core, as a person. At any rate, Paul is not his father; Here is a comment out of an Israeli paper:

      "Last week, following the PLO’s unity deal with terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad, Paul introduced the Stand With Israel Act. If it had passed into law, Paul’s act would have required the US to cut off all funding to the Palestinian Authority, including its security forces. The only way the administration could have wiggled out of the aid cutoff would have been by certifying that the PLO, Hamas and Islamic Jihad had effectively stopped being the PLO, Hamas and Islamic Jihad."

      Such is a MAJOR departure from his father. You would do better peddling your rhetorical crap with folks who don't read or do not know how to read.

  2. Not only did Paul say he would eliminate all foreign aid during multiple media interviews in January and February of 2011, but as late as March of that year, his office released a budget proposal that included a zeroing-out of foreign assistance, with a section specifically inserted to defend the effect that policy would have on eliminating funding for Israel.

    "I have a lot of sympathy and respect for Israel as a democratic nation ... But at the same time, I don't think funding both sides of the arms race, particularly when we have to borrow the money from China to send it to someone else. We just can't do it anymore. " --Rand Paul

    Rand Paul wants to cut aid to Israel and other nations.

    1. You continue your lie about Rand Paul and his support for Israel

      Here are comments from the Jerusalem Post about Rand Paul: "Last week, following the PLO’s unity deal with terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad, Paul introduced the Stand With Israel Act. If it had passed into law, Paul’s act would have required the US to cut off all funding to the Palestinian Authority, including its security forces. The only way the administration could have wiggled out of the aid cutoff would have been by certifying that the PLO, Hamas and Islamic Jihad had effectively stopped being the PLO, Hamas and Islamic Jihad.."

      I will no longer print this latest campaign of lies regarding Paul and Israel. You have been proven wrong and that is the end of this discussion . . . . . . period.

      Here is the link to my quote: http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Columnists/Our-World-Rand-Pauls-support-for-Israel-351417
