When caught in a lie, this Administration just keeps telling the same old lie. What their strategy is for doing so, is beyond a reasonable explanation that does not indict this Administration for political fraud.

Understand this,  we have been driven out of Yemen,  totally.  The Embassy is closed,  our personnel had to run for their lives, the government we supported is gone,  and all our capabilities as to intelligence gathering have been destroyed   . . . . .    and in the face of this,  the Administration wants you to believe that they are successful in their anti-terror strategies. 

You simply cannot define "Losers" in more graphic and specific ways than what has happened in Yemen since Obama declared that country to be an example of his foreign policy in the Middle East  . . .   and this is the 10th such such example of "Loser" I can think of,  off the top of my head  (the red line inSyria,  Egypt/Jordan alliance to our exclusion,  the utter collapse of Iraq, the failed war in Afghanistan,  the Bergdahl exchange that re-enforced the leadership of the Taliban while we are at war with that terror group,  the utter collapse of Libya, the disgraceful fall of our Benghazi Embassy,   the Egyptian/Saudi alliance to our exclusion, the nuclear advances Iran has made while Obama lives in our White House,  and his idiotic and near criminal treatment of best ally in the Middle East.  

Sadly,  Yemen is a perfect example of Obama's Middle East policies    . . . .     absolutely perfect.  


  1. Buy American, the job you create will be for the immigrant you created by your wars.

    1. We cannot be free without the waging of war. Now, I hate that fact, but as long as there is a Putin, out there, who continues to threaten nuclear action and a heightened military presence, pulling a Gandhi will not get the job done. And it is naive bordering on stupidity to say other wise. Always remember this: Gandhi could prevent his own murder and lasting world peace was not his legacy . . . . not even close.

    2. What is going in Yemen is just all the other issues in the Mid East, is based on a religious war, and the Saudis will go in and gain control as they said they would. It has nothing NOTHING to do with the US or Obama.

    3. Well, depends on what you are talking about. If you reference the hate between Sunni and Shiia, yes. Israel and Islam? Of course. We did not leave Japan for 12 years after WW II. We are still in Germany. And we needed to be remain in Iraq for maybe a decade. ISIS is ruthless, but they are not expert in waging war. We are. I mean, we killed 43,000 of "them" while loosing 4,000 . . . that's 10 to 1 in combat. We are that effective.

      ISIS would never have been able to get a foothold in Iraq with a residual force of 20,000 to 23,000 troops. AND we would have never, never run from a fight . . . . . . . like Obama has done. No wonder he never served. He is a coward and his fear of Putin is living proof. Bullies and big talkers are never courageous.


    5. Of course I do. When a man talks about a red line, but does not follow through, what does that mean if not a bit of cowardice? When he shakes hands with Gaddaffi and then has him killed, what kind of chicken droppings is that? When he back stabs Netanyahu at every turn, when, in fact, Bibi wanted to be a loyal ally from the very beginning, what does that tell you? When Obama gives up top secret nuclear information regarding Israel, simply because he (Obama) was out smarted by Boehner and Bibi, what kind of traitorous does the man have? When a man goes to sleep, 5 hours before the survivors in Benghazi are murdered, what kind of jerk does that ?? And when a man trades five terrorist leaders, to re-enforce Taliban leadership IN THE MIDST OF AN ONGOING WAR, what the heck is that about?
