Now, Obama wants to force you to vote or throw your backside in jail . . . . . . seriously.

Insane Hussein wants to solve the midterm problem the Dems have.  Out of the past 16 midterms  (we have a midterm,  non-presidential election, every four years),   the Dems have lost 14 such election cycles.   Because of Obama's nastiness,  the 2010 and 2014 midterms secured historic losses for the New Progressive Party (aka "Democratic Party"  --  a term I never use on this blog.  The Dems are hardly "democratic" in their political leanings.  "Democrat" is as close as I get to their official name),  setting the Dems back 90 years,  in terms of political power. 

Imagine this:  the Democrat Party has gone from the strongest political force in American history,  as of the 2008 elections,  to its weakest level since 1928,  and H Obama wants you to think it is because he cannot force the Taker Class to show up and vote, hence, his "solution."   

Understand,  to maintain a volunteer pool large enough to influence Progressives results,  the effort requires a 24/7 enlistment program and millions of dollars used to maintain Progressive "communication centers."  In 2008,  Hussein had 13,000 volunteers,  and communication centers in all 50 states.    The volunteers did nothing but make calls "round the clock,"  develop a social media presence,  and email folks.  But,  because that effort was absolutely  unsustainable,  the 2010 midterms were a disaster and the Obama victory, in 2012,  took in 4.5 million fewer votes than in 2008.

So,  how do you get folks to vote?  Easy:  give them stuff and force them to vote or send them to jail   . . . . .   and after they are put in jail,  force them to vote,  anyway! 

Prediction:  this will be added to the horde of idiotic ideas held near and dear to the Slickster.  It will go nowhere without funding and a federal law.  Ain't going to happen. 

Compare the Midknight story, here:

Also,  as to the 2012 voter results:  Obama took in 3.5 million fewer votes than he did,  in 2008,  and Romney,  took in one million more  votes than McCain.  Compare this to Bush's re-election in which he took in 12 million more votes than in 2000. 

Added note:  Dems discounted the 2014 midterm debacle, the most one sided victory for the GOP in modern American history.  In fact,  "discounted" is hardly the correct word.

Instead,  the true picture is this:  the Utopian haters of America totally ignored the election results,   blaming "low voter turnout,"   when,  in fact,  they didn't have the volunteers needed to pick up prospective Democrat voters,  "teach" them how to vote,  and take them to the polling precincts.    Progressives call this "get out the vote" but the effort is only about "get out the Democrat vote."


  1. Of course we wouldn't want a lot of people to vote. Suppressing the vote is job 1 for the GOP. Proof = look how well they did in the last election where voter turnout was the lowest in 70+ yrs. A lot of people voting is bad for the GOP. That is why they don't represent America.

    1. When you people stop giving away stuff, your voter support goes down. The rest of your comment is sheer tripe . . . . . no evidence whatsoever. What does it say when a party can't even admit they got beat fair and square? But of course, what diff does it make since the only elections you count are the ones you win. Keep making excuses, I am loving it.
