Fail: Universal voting or you go to jail. (Its not his only realy-bad idea, btw).

<<<  Golly Gee,  I just keep coming up with one great idea after another. I want to put timers in your showers,  charge you more to buy heating fuel so you will use less,  give away electric golf carts hoping to fire up alternative auto sales;  require emission controls on your BBQ pits,  paint roof-tops white,  to reflect sunlight and lower domestic cooling costs,  require 30 hour work weeks so artist can have time to pursue their artistic dreams,  get rid of our borders,  so all can share in the American dream, look to the UN for a new, world-wide governance,    and, and, and,  require voter participation on penalty of going jail time.  

(Note:  all of these ideas have been seriously considered,  by the wingnuts in this Administration including painting the highways white,  not mentioned above )

As to required voting,  Obama has already backed off this idea,  or so he says.  Understand that his denials mean absolutely nothing. His argument that national voting, per Australia,  would eliminate Big Money in our elections cycles, is pure, uneducated,  fantasy.   

For starters, Australia has had required voting since the early 1900's,  BUT,  does not require voter registration !!  

Secondly,  Big Money would actually inundate the political process.  Certainly,  the Democrats would no longer have to spend millions of dollars on their version of "get out the vote," a domestic effort designed to increase Democrat votership (only).  However, there remains the issue of specific voter support for any number of political issues.  Money spent on those issues,  would increase, Big Money believing that more folks would be voting than ever before.  

Third,  mandatory voting cannot work if there is no mandatory voter registration, and,  how on earth,  would that be enforced.  

The fact that Obama has embraced this silly idea,  proves his childish immaturity.  Clearly,  someone gave him an article or told him about Australia,  and he said, "Oh wow,  I bet no one has thought of that,  before,"  and away his little mind went,  without thought or a hint of commonsense. 

All I can say,  "This too,  will pass." 

1 comment:

  1. of course we want to prevent as many young people and minorities as possible from voting.
