I don't know which speech I like better, CJ Peterson's or Rudy's.

CJ Peterson.  Take a look at this young man's Facebook.  Oh,  did I mention that he is 12?


  1. I read that this young man is from a Democrat family. If true, his comments may be reflective of a growing discontent within the Black/Democrat community. I really don't see Hillary being some one who inspires that ethnicity. Rev Wright made fun of her claim to be a member of the "first black president." I rather think his comments versus Hillary was as representative of Democrat thought as is this young man.

  2. Ask Osama bin Laden if President Obama loves America.

    He will leave America better than when he was elected, with zero help from the GOP. None.

    The reality is, John Smithson, you will live the rest of your life with a Democrat as President of the United States of America.

    1. In 2016, Obama will self destruct. He can't take being marginalized and that is exactly what will happen, beginning with the new camapign season.
