Midknight Review is given "honorable mention" for its article giving tribute to the 21 slaughtered Christians, by name.

This week, The MidKnight Review, Anne's Opinions and The Pirate's Cove earned honorable mention status with some great articles.

You can, too! Want to see your work appear on the Watcher’s Council homepage in our weekly contest listing? Didn’t get nominated by a Council member? No worries.

To bring something to my attention, simply head over to Joshuapundit and post the title and a link to the piece you want considered along with an e-mail address (mandatory, but of course it won't be published) in the comments section no later than Monday 6PM PST in order to be considered for our honorable mention category. Then return the favor by creating a post on your site linking to the Watcher’s Council contest for the week when it comes out on Wednesday morning

Simple, no?

It's a great way of exposing your best work to Watcher’s Council readers and Council members while grabbing the increased traffic and notoriety. And how good is that, eh?

So, let's see what we have for you this week....
Council Submissions

GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD – China's Attack Strategy: Swarm Baby, Swarm

The Right Planet – Doomed To Repeat...

Rhymes With Right – Is Obama A Christian

Honorable Mentions

Non-Council Submissions
Mark Steyn –Oh Beautiful For Specious Guys submitted by The Noisy Room

Sultan Knish –We Can Kill Our Way to Victory submitted by The Independent Sentinel

Jonah Goldberg – Progressives’ Peculiar Sense of Patriotism submitted by Joshuapundit

Bobby Ghoush/Defense One – Why Arab Ground Troops Won't Defeat ISIS submitted by GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD

The People's Cube –Quran-Quran: glam band puts a face to the Muslim Invasion submitted by The Razor

Warrior Lodge – A French Soldier's View of US Soldiers in Afghanistan submitted by The Right Planet

Stately McDaniel Manor-Barack Obama: Love and Patriotism submitted by Bookworm Room

Gay Patriot – Liberals Really Are Less Patriotic than Conservatives submitted by Rhymes with Right

DC Clothesline – Jobs for Jihadists' Applications Flood State Department submitted by The Glittering Eye

Mister Chambers – Onward To Defeat submitted by The Watcher

David Gerstman/Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion – White House Struggling to Sell Iran Policy...to Democrats submitted by The Watcher

Why I am not worried about Obama's ban on bullets for the AR-15

Armor piercing bullets are the supposed target of Obama's latest dictatorial decree.  I say "supposed" because nothing said by this Administration is to be trusted,  absolutely nothing.  As you know,  they (those in Utopian,  One World Administration) are more than political in their commentary,  they are pathological in their misrepresentations (pathological :  having to do with a disease).  But,  that aside,  the fact remains that Obama's decision to ban a certain type of bullet means only thing:  manufacturers will create a bullet that is deadly (what is the point of a bullet if not "deadly),  in due time.  There have been enough recent High Court decisions that preserve private gun ownership,  that this right seems fairly safe.  So Obama,  without any sense of logic,  has decided to ban a particular bullet,  as if he was doing something critical for the safe,  daily walk,  of the American citizen.  

Keep in mind,  this bullet is nothing more than blotted .22  . . . . . .    its a .22 (well,  call it a .223 to be accurate).  It is not a powerful .45 or .38 shell, or 9 mm, and,  the FBI has already put forth a disclaimer,  stating that no cop has been shot or injured with this "armor piercing" bullet   . . . . . . .   cops are not afraid of this bullet.  But,  again,  it will be just a matter of time before ammo manufacturers will invent their way out of this stupidity.   

If you come into my home,  you will be greeted with either a short barreled, 12 gauge shotgun or a 9mm handgun with 6, 10 round clips (with more on the way). My doctor son owns two AR-15's.  But defends his home with a 9mm.  

The point:  in-home, self defense, is much more the property of the larger caliper  gun or shotgun.  This childish executive order,  is meaningless.  It is only about keeping Obama "in the news,"  to keep him relative.  And in that process,  he continues to add to the disdain of the electorate.  By the time we vote for the next president,  Obama will have ruined any chance for a Democrat candidate. 

You can bet the following documents will be a part of the House Committee's report on Benghazi, just in time for the next election cycle. Hillary can run, but she cannot hide.

Editor's notes: all highlights (bold red or black) and paragraph highlights (i.e. "Email No. 1," etc) are mine.   

New Documents Blow Lid off Obama/Clinton Benghazi Scandal
I've always believed that the Benghazi cover-up was about two presidential campaigns:  Barack Obama's reelection campaign and Hillary Clinton's nascent [or "just coming into existence" - blog editor] presidential campaign.
Why else would Hillary Clinton personally send out lies about Benghazi within hours, and then keep on pushing these lies until the truth could no longer be ignored.  The truth about an attack by an al Qaeda group that killed our ambassador and three other brave Americans in the days before Obama's reelection would not only have put Obama at risk of losing, but also would have potentially dashed the hopes of his successor-in-waiting, Hillary Rodham Clinton.  

The desperation by Obama, Clinton, and their political teams must have been potent.  It was so potent that they - rather than admitting to the Islamist conflagration they caused in Libya by ousting and killing Gadhafi - preferred to ignore pleas for increased security from Ambassador Stevens; to abandon him and his colleagues to rampaging terrorists; refuse to follow up with force against those who attacked us; and to lie to the American people about the nature of the attack.  
Rather than admit that it was a planned attack by a terrorist group in league with al Qaeda, the Obama/Clinton machine knowingly put out the lie that the killings were the result of a spontaneous demonstration in response to an obscure Internet video supposedly offensive to radical Islamists.  The message: don't blame us - blame those who offend Islamists (conservatives, Republicans, etc.).  Indeed, rather than sending our military to eliminate the enemy in Libya, the Obama administration arrested the poor sap who made the offending video.
Strong stuff you might think.  But the most recent documents forced out of the State Department will make you think I'm being too kind to the Benghazi betrayers controlling the Executive Branch.
On February 11, 2015, JW struck smoking-gun gold in another cache of documents we forced out of the State Department.  The documents show that top aides for then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, including her then-chief of staff Cheryl Mills, knew from the outset that the Benghazi mission compound was under attack by armed assailants tied to a terrorist group.  The documents we've extracted from the Obama administration only through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the State Department (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State ((No. 1:14-cv-01511). 
Unsurprisingly, the documents make no reference to a spontaneous demonstration or Internet video, except in an official statement issued by Hillary Clinton.
The JW lawsuit that uncovered this material focused on Mrs. Clinton's involvement in the Benghazi scandal:
Any and all records concerning, regarding, or related to notes, updates, or reports created in response to the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S, Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. This request includes but is not limited to, notes, taken by then Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton or employees of the Office of the Secretary of State during the attack and its immediate aftermath.
Mrs. Clinton had said she took notes on Benghazi for her recent book but suggested no one could see them.  She isn't above the law.  Congress is asleep, the media is a cheerleader, so hence, our lawsuit. 
Email No. One 
We haven't yet gotten Hillary's notes, but the chain of internal emails we did get [on Feb 11 of two weeks ago - blog editor] are extraordinary and track the events surrounding the terrorist attack in real time.
On September 11, 2012, at 4:07 PM, Maria Sand (who was then a Special Assistant to Mrs. Clinton) forwarded an email from the State Department's Operations Center entitled "U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi is Under Attack (SBU) [Sensitive But Unclassified]" to Cheryl Mills (then-Chief of Staff), Jacob Sullivan (then-Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy), Joseph McManus (then-Hillary Clinton's Executive Assistant), and a list of other Special Assistants in the Secretary's office:
The Regional Security Officer reports the diplomatic mission is under attack. Tripoli reports approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well. Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and four COM [Chief of Mission] personnel are in the compound safe haven. The 17th of February militia is providing security support.
This email was sent about 30 minutes after the terrorist attack began!  [and had to be the first announcement of the event.  Instead of responding as if the Administration gave a damn,  Obama and Hillary IMMEDIATELY began working on a statement that would effectively refute the facts, and,  sadly,  deny the Benghazi Embassy any assistance whatsoever - blog editor].   
Email No. 2  (all times are EST)
On September 11, 2012, 4:38 PM, State Department Foreign Service Officer Lawrence Randolph forwarded Mills, Sullivan and McManus an email from Scott Bultrowicz, who was the former director of the Diplomatic Security Service (ousted following review of the attack), with the subject line, "Attack on Benghazi 09112012":
DSCC received a phone call from [REDACTED] in Benghazi, Libya initially stating that 15 armed individuals were attacking the compound and trying to gain entrance. The Ambassador is present in Benghazi and currently is barricaded within the compound. There are no injuries at this time and it is unknown what the intent of the attackers is. At approximately 1600 DSCC received word from Benghazi that individuals had entered the compound. At 1614 RSO advised the Libyans had set fire to various buildings in the area, possibly the building that houses the Ambassador [REDACTED] is responding and taking fire. 
[And what is the "DSCC?"  Well,  it's not the State Department.  Rather this memo was sent to Democrat political headquarters.  "DSCC" is defined as the following:  "The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) is the Democratic Hill committee for the United States Senate. It is the only organization solely dedicated to electing Democrats to the United States Senate," proving,  of course,  that this developing disaster was being viewed as a political matter,  first,  and not as the historical matter it would be.  Understand that the politics of the matter almost immediately,  became the central concern,  and,  much more so for Hillary than Barack Obama - blog editor] 
Email No.3 in this report 
Nearly seven hours later, at 12:04 am, on September 12, Randolph sends an email with the subject line "FW: Update 3: Benghazi Shelter Location Also Under Attack" to Mills, Sullivan, and McManus that has several updates about the Benghazi attack:
I just called Ops and they said the DS command center is reporting that the compound is under attack again.  I am about to reach out to the DS Command Center.
This email also contains a chain of other, earlier email updates:
September 11, 2012 11:57 PM email:  "(SBU) DS Command reports the current shelter location for COM personnel in Benghazi is under mortar fire.  There are reports of injuries to COM staff." 
September 11, 2012 6:06 PM (Subject: "Update 2: Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack (SBU):  "(SBU) Embassy Tripoli reports the group claimed responsibility on Facebook and Twitter and call for an attack on Embassy Tripoli"
September 11, 2012, 4:54 PM: "Embassy Tripoli reports the firing at the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi has stopped and the compound has been cleared. A response team is on site to locate COM personnel."
Email's No. 4, 11 hours after the first reports from the Embassy 
Obama is in bed,  sleeping,  at this time,  before leaving for 
a political speech in Las Vegas the next morning.  He is aasleep 
because he is a) a cold blooded SOB and, b) because he and 
Hillary believe they have their political futures protected [blog editor]
The DOS emails reveal the first official confirmation of the death of Ambassador Stevens.  On September 12, 2012, 3:22 AMSenior Watch Officer Andrew Veprek forwarded an email to numerous State Department officials, which was later forwarded to Cheryl Mills and Joseph McManus, with the subject line "Death of Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi":
Embassy Tripoli confirms the death of Ambassador John C. (Chris) Stevens in Benghazi. His body has been recovered and is at the airport in Benghazi.
Two hours later, Joseph McManus forwards the news about Ambassador Stevens' death to officials in the State Department Legislative Affairs office with instructions not to "forward to anyone at this point."
Hillary's 5:30ish statement and first official lie:
Despite her three top staff members being informed that a terrorist group had claimed credit for the attack, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, issued an official statement, also produced to Judicial Watch, claiming the assault may have been in "a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet."  
Hillary's spokeswoman orders State Department not to talk to the press at mid-night, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 hours after the first attack.
Cheryl Mills asks that the State Department stop answering press inquiries at 12:11 am on September 12, despite the ongoing questions about "Chris' whereabouts."  In an email to State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland, Jacob Kennedy, and Phillipe Reines (then-Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Strategic Communications and Senior Communications Advisor), Mills writes:
Can we stop answering emails for the night Toria b/c now [that] the first one [Hillary Clinton's "inflammatory material posted on the Internet" statement] is hanging out there.
Earlier in the chain of emails, Nuland told Mills, Sullivan, and Patrick Kennedy (Under Secretary of State for Management) that she "ignored" a question about Ambassador Steven's status and whereabouts from a CBS News reporter.
Think about this:  Cheryl Mills, Hillary's top aide, would rather go to bed and let hang out  . . . .   the lie that Hillary Clinton put out about the attack than tell reporters the truth about the attack, which by that time had escalated to include mortar fire. 
[Note:  the JW article goes on,  but all of the following only supports the facts established in the above,  emails.  Obama went to bed hours before the deaths of the two surviving Navy Seals,  even before the announced death of Ambassador Stevens.  There is no greater display of presidential cowardice or State Department corruption than this incident.  It is my hope that the Benghazi House Committee reported,  will be ready by the end of the year.  It needs to be an effective part of 2016 election cycle,  in view of the fact that all Democrats supported this outrageous lie.   -  blog editor] 
 Back to the JW report:  
Another top State Department official is eager to promote a statement from Rabbi David Saperstein, then-Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, a liberal group.  The September 2012 statement condemns "the video that apparently spurred these incidents. It was clearly crafted to provoke, offend, and to evoke outrage." Michael Posner, then-Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, forwarded the statement on September 12, 2012, to Wendy Sherman, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, and Jacob Sherman with the note:
This is an excellent statement - our goal should be to get the Conference of Presidents, the ADL etc. to follow suit and use similar language. 
(President Obama nominated the left-wing Rabbi Saperstein to be Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom in July 2014.  The U.S. Senate confirmed him in December 2014.  Posner, by the way, is another far left activist installed at State by Obama.)
Also included in the documents are foreign press reports establishing the cause of Ambassador Chris Steven's death as being from asphyxiation. According to the reports, doctors attending Stevens said he could have been saved had he arrived at the hospital earlier
The Obama administration has blacked out reactions from White House and top State Department officials to news stories published on September 14, 2012.  One of the stories quoted a visitor who criticized the lack of security at the Benghazi Special Mission Compound and another headlined, "America 'was warned of attack and did nothing.'"  What was the reaction of key Obama officials to this truth-telling about the media.  They don't want you to know.  If it were helpful, it would have been released to us!
Other emails list well over 20 invited participants in a "SVTC" (secure video teleconference).  The invited participants for the September 14, 2012, early morning call include senior White House, CIA, and State Department political appointees.  Details about that call, which likely documents the cover-up operation on Benghazi, haven't been produced to Judicial Watch.
These emails leave no doubt that Hillary Clinton's closest advisers knew the truth about the Benghazi attack from almost the moment it happened.  And it is inescapable that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knowingly lied when she planted the false story about "inflammatory material being posted on the Internet."
The contempt for the public's right to know is evidenced not only in these documents, but also in the fact that we had to file a lawsuit in federal court to obtain them.  The Obama gang's cover-up continues to unravel, despite its unlawful secrecy and continued slow-rolling of information. 
Congress, if it ever decides to do its job, cannot act soon enough to put Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, and every other official in these emails under oath.
Islamic terrorists connected to al Qaeda attacked the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi on the evening of September 11, 2012.  U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith were both killed. Just a few hours later, a second terrorist strike targeted a different compound about one mile away. Two CIA contractors, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, were killed and 10 others were injured in the second attack.
The families of those four men deserve truth and accountability. So do those who suffered injuries and others haunted by the attacks.  
So as Congress is set to acquiesce in Obama's deadly nullification of our nation's immigration laws...
So as the mainstream media spends all of its time covering presidential wanna-be's with all the depth of entertainment media coverage of the Oscars...
So as "Rome burns," your Judicial Watch will, alone it seems, continue with the hard work of conducting government oversight in a city otherwise bereft of it.  The Benghazi Four deserve no less.
We expect more Benghazi documents over the next few months, so stayed tuned for more disclosures.  
Until next week... 

Tom Fitton

If you can't play by the rules, change the rules, and work to save this once great nation. It is that simple.

Uncompromising Reid still in command  —  ‘He is controlling the agenda,’ one Republican senator complains.  —  He only controls 46 seats, but Harry Reid is acting like he has 60.  —  Reid's uncompromising posture during the flap over homeland security funding and his emerging plans … 
Editor's notes:  The headline is true only because Senate Republicans continue to believe that politics is all about "fighting fair."  This problem is easily resolved:  change the rules governing the vote count for ending a filibuster  . . . . . . .  just as the Dems did during their rule over the Senate.  The people do not want fairness,  they want results.  And if the Progressives will not play by the rules,  they have to be defeated in like manner.  Period.  Understand this:  the current crop of Progressives are "anarchists."  They only believe in following the rules when those rules work in their favor.  And when they do not,  Progressives ignore the rules,  and move on.  Obama is not the only one in DC who is above the law.  Holder or whoever is the current head of the DOJ,  the leadership at the FCC or the EPA  . . . . . . .   and I could go on and on. 
To imagine that "making a statement for what is right" (a GOP emphasis) while losing the war,  is the epidome of all that goes into the word "loser."  It is just incredible that an institution of leadership  (the GOP) has no clue how to fight and defeat a Marxist/Anarchist gang of political thugs whose power is found in the statement,  "Don't like it?  Sue me" (Obama's own words from last year).  
Obviously,  there is more work to be done, in the coming election cycle(s).  "Leadership" must practice a more hardcore form of leadership.  There is no room for nice guys,  no time for those who want to play by the rules that feed a particular tradition.  The Progressives could not care less about the Constitution or its rules,  and they know their very power (politically speaking) is in their refusal to play by the rules.  Ironically,  to preserve the rule of law,  the GOP will have to adapt to the current political practices.  And,  if not,  they need to be replaced.   

Radical blacks meet at the WH as they continue to get nothing done for their constituencies. After all, "anarchy" is not about helping anyone. When did tearing a nation apart ever help "the people?"

I was raised to accept all people.  So, too,  were most of the people I know. But when I read this crap,  it is very difficult not to roll all blacks into this bunch of Chicago-type gangsters, yet,  when we all stop to think about,  we know that the punks who were called to the WH,  are out-numbered,  maybe a hundred to one.  Voting in-mass for black representatives should not be the only criteria.  I look to the huge number of blacks who attend a religious service or declare faith in God.  You see this declaration on the football field,  the basketball court,  in baseball,  on the track and on and on.  When was the last time you saw Sharpton pointing to heaven,  praising his God,  or Obama doing the same as he workes to bring us all together?  No.  Instead,  they use "faith" to divide and conquer as they seek coalitions with the killers in the Islamic faith (Iranian leadership,  the Saudi's), or with admitted enemies such as  Putin who has laughed in Obama's face time and time again,  and those within our society who hate the police and despise "law and order.".  I doubt you will see a list of names for those attending this "summit."  And the reason?  Obama knows full-well, how radical this bunch of anarchists are.  Anyway,  my advise is not to surrender to the temptation to think poorly of all blacks.  In the end,  Obama, Holder, and Sharpton are worthless radicals who have done nothing for their black constituencies,  absolutely nothing. 

FCC Approves ‘Net Neutrality’ Plan to Control Internet Access

WASHINGTON (AP) — Internet service providers like Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile now must act in the “public interest” when providing a mobile connection to your home or phone, under rules approved Thursday by a divided Federal Communications Commission.

 Editor's notes: 

They,  the large suppliers of the internet, ARE acting in the public interest.  That's how they win customers.  There is absolutely no need for this.  Make no mistake,  what you have in this FCC decision is a partisan and socialist effort to add to the control of Central Planning.  What you are looking is this:  the first step in Central Planning's  control of opposition talk,  whether that be anti-warming talk,  or the inclusion of "God" in a particular text,  or GOP campaign-type rhetoric.  To be sure,  this will not be an overnight transition,  but,  if Central Planning is involved,  there is no doubt that it will exercise its power,  and command the internet just as it has commanded control over our school systems. 

I do not think this is as hopeless and as do others,  but I do believe there is a coming battle complete with new legal solutions.  If the GOP can hold the Senate and win the presidency,  in 2016,  this issue will receive immediate resolution. 


Is this the right time to "shut down" HHS? The short answer is "yes." And, here is why:

Is this the right time to "shut down"  HHS?  The short answer is "yes."  

Understand that without funding,   200,000 of the 230,000 folks who work at HHS will continue their work . . . . . .  so,  there is no shutdown,  in view.  

Secondly,  the common Democrat myth about the sequester shutdown,  was the supposed "hit the GOP took" in the Democrat sponsored polls taken in early 2014.  Question:  if the shutdown hurt the GOP,  why the most one sided election results in a hundred years,  namely the 2014 midterms.  

Lesson.  Don't listen to the lies of those who cannot win a midterm election.  The fact of the matter is this:  THERE WAS NO BACKLASH TO THE GOP'S STAND ON CUTTING EXPENSES AND TAKING A STAND.   NONE. 

It is my hope that the House will stick to their guns and stop the over-reach of this Utopian One Worlder.  Respect for law and order is much more important than some stinking Leftist poll.  And the American people understand much more than folks want to believe. 

The path to a landslide victory in 2016 is clear, if not predictable. In a word, it can be summed up by "anybody but Jeb Bush."

Washington Post, 2/126/2015:   The last time Jeb Bush spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference, he delivered blunt talk — an unwelcome lecture, in the view of many — about the problems with the Republican Party.
“All too often we’re associated with being ‘anti’ everything,” Bush said in 2013. “Way too many people believe Republicans are anti-immigrant, anti-woman, anti-science, anti-gay, anti-worker, and the list goes on.”   Bush will return to the conservative gathering Friday as one of his party’s leading possible presidential candidates — but one who still needs to find the right way to connect with the conservative activists who have not joined establishment donors in an early rush to back him     . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  The timing is critical for Bush, 62, whose all-but-certain candidacy has attracted legions of financiers and supporters this winter. Despite his fast start, Bush is not outpacing the rest of the GOP field, and some potential rivals — particularly Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker — are gaining traction among conservatives as they begin to travel and raise money ahead of the nominating contest.

Editor's notes:  What the reader might miss is the fact that the Washington Post has given the GOP candidacy to Jeb Bush with the words  "all but certain candidacy," and the statement, "[he] has attracted legions of financiers and supporters."  But,  before the Post's editor's can get into the next paragraph,  they have to admit that "Bush is not outpacing the rest of the GOP field."  

Just another example of Progressive "intellectualism." What is more than humorous is the knowledge that these people will not understand the criticism, will not see the contradiction.  But there it is,  in black and white.  Bush's candidacy is all but certain,  however,  he is not outpacing the GOP field.  

The fact of the matter is this:  Jeb has no intentions of winning the GOP nomination via conservative support within the party.  We get lectured everyday by a man who does not speak above an 8th grade level (see the Politico article, here) and cannot write a budget proposal (the first president to ever fail in this regard - see "After Notes" below).     

How Jeb plans on gaining the nomination without the conservative vote, is not apparent to this writer.    I mean,  conservatives walked away from the elections in 2006 and 2008 and, to a lesser degree,  in 2012.  The two elections that drew conservative support were the two recent midterms,  both landslide elections for the GOP.  If you understand that all elections since and including Reagan's,  have been determined by the attendance or lack thereof,  of the conservative membership within the GOP, you will appreciate just how critical Conservatives are to any election.  No one was enthused by H Bush in his re-election bid versus Clinton., and he lost.   And no one was interested in Bob Dole's campaign versus Clinton's re-election bid.  and he lost 

How strong is the conservative vote?  Think about this:  GW Bush was admired by conservatives,  in spite of the fact that he often push big government legislation.  And,  because conservatives supported the man,  the Marxist Party we like to call "The Democratic Party,"  could not defeat the man,  in spite of record political donations into the Democrat coffers and control of the national media.  

Take it to the bank:  if the GOP nominates a candidate that conservatives can support,  the next president will be a Republican.  Hillary is an awful candidate.  She has no core values,  no campaign strategy that is not 1990's Democrat politics,  and no record that demands our attention,  and,  the biggest obstacle of all:  she is far from being charismatic "on the stump."  

With a healthy GOP candidate,  the 2016 election could be a landslide.  We only hope that Obama continues to be "Obama."  That will be perfect,  and this editor,  at least,  believes that Obama can't help but be a pain,  for the Democrats,  in the coming election cycle. 

After Notes:

  1. thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/...obama-budget-in-99-0-vote   Cached
    A budget resolution based on President Obama’s 2012 budget failed to get any votes in the Senate on Wednesday. Skip to main content. TRENDING: Immigration; ISIS ...
  2. www.politifact.com/.../2012/...says-obama-failed-pass-budget   Cached
    Apr 06, 2012 · ... that Obama failed to pass a budget ... Such votes are taken "just as a means of embarrassing the president and his party," said Patrick Louis ...
  3. hotair.com/archives/2012/03/29/consistency-obama-budget...   Cached
    Mar 29, 2012 · ... Obama budget fails to get a single ... Manage Zero Votes for Obama’s Budget ... passed a budget in 3 years. Obama can’t even get a Democrat to vote ...
  4. thehill.com/blogs/.../163345-obama-budget...votes-in-senate-   Cached
    ... Obama's 2012 budget when it came up for a vote in the Senate Wednesday. A procedural vote to move forward on the president's plan failed ... Obama budget receives ...
  5. www.washingtonexaminer.com/obama-budget-fails-414-0-as...   Cached
    ... House Democrats and Republicans united in their opposition to President Obama's 2013 budget, which failed ... budget, which failed tonight with 414 votes ...
  6. hotair.com/.../05/16/99-0-senate-votes-down-obamas-budget...   Cached
    May 16, 2012 · ... Anyone who fails to comply with our terms of ... No Member Of Congress Votes For Obama’s Budget « Steven ... Obama Budget So Popular Not One ...

DOJ Lacks Evidence, Will Not Bring Forward Federal Civil Rights Charges In Trayvon Martin Case…no news, btw. This was something we already knew was true.

Another article establishing climate slowdown as to warming. Always remember, "global warming" is regional warming," only and always.

Editor:  Just to be clear,  warming trends have leveled off as of 1998.  Scientists believe the trend could go on for another 5 to 10 years.  What is curious to me,  is the fact that while warming is on a level trend,  green house gases have continued to increase.  What does this mean?  Well,  it can only mean one thing: the earth compensates for much of the pollution we send into the atmosphere.  Last year,  there was a volcanic eruption in Argentina that pumped the equivalent of the auto pollution of 150 million cars for 20 years.  How many such eruptions are there,  each year.  

Anyway,  the Daily Caller story establishes the existence of climate slowdown.  

Daily Caller:
U.K. scientists are saying the so-called “pause” in global warming could continue to the end of the decade. But scientists warned of accelerated temperature rises once the global warming hiatus has ended.
For the last 15 years, global surface temperatures have not been rising nearly as fast as most climate models predicted — a period called the “pause” or “hiatus” in global warming. Scientists have offered dozens of explanations for the warming hiatus, and now U.K. scientists are saying the 15-year pause could go on for at least another five years.
Scientists with the U.K.’s Met Office, the country’s top climate agency, and the University of Exeter report there is a 25 percent chance the hiatus in warming could go on for another 5 years, and a 10 percent chance warming could be on pause for another 10 years. The study found a less than 1 percent chance of another 20 years with little to no warming.

Saudi's call ISIS "Islamized terrorism." It appears that only the non-Muslim world, run by Flower Power, is in denial of "Islamic terror."

Breitbart News:  http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2015/02/24/saudi-king-denounces-islamized-terrorism/

Before Obama leaves office, he will have succeeded in his goal of allowing Iran to become a nuclear power.

Emerging deal would allow Iran nukes after ten years . . . Edging toward a historic compromise, the U.S. and Iran reported progress Monday on a deal that would clamp down on Tehran's nuclear activities for at least 10 years but then slowly ease restrictions on programs that could be used to make atomic arms. The U.S. initially sought restrictions lasting up to 20 years; Iran has pushed for less than a decade. The prospective deal appears to be somewhere in the middle. One issue critics are certain to focus on: Once the deal expired, Iran could theoretically ramp up enrichment to whatever level it wanted. Associated Press

Supoort for Obama versus Israel: Gallup has Obama at 46% approval; Israel at 70%. ( no article)

Hillary's War on Women is clearly framed in the disparidy between what she pays male staffers versus female staffers. Ditto Obama.

Not news.  The Democrats never really solve any of the social problems they claim to care about.  Why?  Because if they did,  they would have nothing to run on in the next election.  That is why they did next to nothing in their first two years with Obama (2009/2010).  They had the legislative clout to solve all domestic issues.  The GOP could not have stopped them.  But that would have given them nothing to run on in 2010 midterms.  Didn't make much difference.  They got their collective buns kicked,  anyway.  As to their implicit war on wages:  they passed the Lilly Ledbetter Equality Wage Act,  with much fan fare.  Turns out,  the bill solved nothing,  did not resolve the inequality wage issue,  and, now,  the Dems are whining about the GOP because of their (Democrats) gross and repeated incompetence. But the Media plays the game and the Ignorants who vote for these people remain in self-imposed darkness. 

I don't know which speech I like better, CJ Peterson's or Rudy's.

CJ Peterson.  Take a look at this young man's Facebook.  Oh,  did I mention that he is 12?

43 burned alive near last weeks burning of 45 captives. So, how is Obama's policy of denial working out?

Fox News:  The jihadist group Islamic State, or IS, burned alive on Saturday 43 people kidnapped in the western Iraqi province of Anbar, a security official told Efe.
The IS militants caged their hostages, who were mostly police and members of the pro-government Sunni militias called Salvation Councils, then set them on fire.
The radical group kidnapped the victims more than a week ago in the Al Baghdadi area of Anbar province.
Last Feb. 17, the IS executed and burned more than 40 people in the same area, most of them members of the police and the Salvation Councils.
Anbar province is largely dominated by the jihadists, and Al Baghdadi was one of the few cities where the Iraqi government was still in control.