That Feinstein Report on CIA interrogations? It was written solely and to the exclusion of all opposition Senators. Not one interview was given to CIA agents involved and millions of docs were "cherry picked" to get the desired conclusion. Pure politics and nothing more. Here is the architect on the Kelly Files:

Update: In a recent PEW poll, only 29% of folks surveyed, support the Feinstein report and what she was trying to do to the intel community with that report.
would like the American people to look at this from my perspective,"
Mitchell said. "At a time when America was under attack, I was
asked to take on a task that could potentially save thousands of lives. I was
briefed about pending attacks in the wake of 9/11, I was told that [President
George W. Bush] had authorized my action, I was told that the highest law
enforcement office in the land had judged those actions to be legal, I was told
that the intelligence committees in Congress had been briefed. The interrogations
I engaged in were monitored in real time by medical personnel and leadership
who could have stopped what I was doing at any time. I was never told I was
doing anything outside of authorities. I was told for years that my activities
had saved lives and prevented attacks. And now I'm being denigrated by some of
the very people who pushed me to use harsher measures."
A full and objective reporting is found here:
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