All you need to know is this: These quotes concerning ObamaCare are from the top two Democrats in the Senate (not counting Reid) and their comments will be used, over and over, come 2016.

In the foregoing,  we have the admission that the will of the people was ignored,  that the healthcare law was not written correctly,  and that it did not deal with the issues that were most important to the people.  Clearly,  Obama does not give a care about these admissions.  And the beat goes on.  He will be gone,  after 2016,  but the Democrat Party will remain,  broken and bloody,  because of his arrogant,  One Man Rule.  

“We had the power to do it in a way that would have simplified healthcare, made it more efficient and made it less costly and we didn’t do it,” Harkin told The Hill. “So I look back and say we should have either done it the correct way or not done anything at all.  Tom Harken,  Senator from Iowa and a driving force for ObamaCare. 

Chuck Schumer:   "Unfortunately, Democrats lost the opportunity the American people gave them. We took their mandate and put all of our focus on the wrong problem—health care reform.  The plight of uninsured Americans and the hardships caused by unfair insurance company practices certainly needed to be addressed, but it was not the change we were hired to make.   Americans were crying out for the end to the recession, for better wages and more jobs, not changes in health care. This makes sense, considering 85 percent of all Americans got their health care from either the government, Medicare, Medicaid, or their employer. And if health care costs were going up, it really did not affect them. The Affordable Care Act was aimed at the 36 million Americans who were not covered. It has been reported that only a third of the uninsured are even registered to vote."

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