Update on the fight for Kobani in northern Syria:

According to the Times of Israel,  the Muslim radicals (ISIS) have lost 576 of its fighting cowards,  to 361 dead (mostly Kurdish fighters) in the battle for Kobani.

More than this,  virtually all of the city's 50,000 residents have escaped across the Syrian border, into Turkey,  and wait on the surrounding hillsides for the fighting to be over.  I reported the defeat of ISIS in Kobani,  about three weeks ago.  Turns out,  the sources I used for that report were wrong.  ISIS remains in the fight,  but Kobani is no longer the prize for ISIS that it was two months ago.

ABC News reported,  this past week, that as many as 1,000 recruits join the ISIS army,  each month.  Whether or not that is an accurate total,  remains to be seen.  Some of the reported numbers do not add up.

We may be looking at a very consistent revised mapping of Iraq,  for years into the future   . . . . . . .   as long as the US continues its bombing mission in that country.   There is no coalition of fighting forces on the ground in Iraq and it does not appear that this will change until the next Presidential Administration in 2016.  The regional leaders in Lebanon,  Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt have all expressed their distrust for the current American leadership.  They know that Obama is big on talking tough,  making promises,  and, then,  walking away as if nothing was ever said or promised.  Obama has absolutely no clout in the Middle East and that,  above all else,  is why he is not able to regain the losses his Administration has sustained in Iraq,  after announcing that nation to be "strong, stable and sovereign."

4500 men and women died for the fight in Iraq and all of their sacrifice has been wasted by this criminally feckless bunch of academics in DC.  To my memory,  this is the first war we have ever lost,  after achieving a certain but tenuous victory.

Afghanistan is no better a circumstance.  More than 2500 American lives have been lost in that conflict,  90% on Obama's watch, and we are no closer to a victory in that conflict than we were before the Obama Surge.  

This is what you get when peacenik Progressives pretend to manage a war.  Our people are sacrificed,  the war is lost,  and the world is as evil a place as before these do-gooders came onto the scene.


  1. So all that doom and gloom over Iraq and the President's "malfeasance" was so much BS ? Is that the point of this post? The doctrine of fear is once again on display, on this blog . . . . . meaningless fear for the sake of undermining the presidency and advancing your own agenda, whatever in the hell that is. Obviously, Obama's air war has won the day, that much is obvious. How does it feel to be defeated by your own words?

    1. Without the Kurds "on the ground," there is no measure of victory in Kobani. As far as "doom and gloom," that happened months ago, when ISIS captured Fallujah and most of the Anwar Province. Obama's air campaign in Iraq, is going nowhere. ISIS just took over another city in Iraq, murdering more than 200 of the city's men, as the town fell. And "fear" is not my motivation. Rather, it is all about "disgust." for you or anyone else, to argue for an implied competency as to Obama's leadership, is to simply ignore reality on a number of issues. I would say "try to keep up" but that implies an ability to read and comprehend. Clearly, rank bias is your motivation. Enjoy the news on Tuesday.
