In an article found in the Left leaning Politico, we have a report of the first legislative casualty directly related to H Obama's decision to legalize millions of illegal immigrants, granting them job status and benefits, often putting them ahead of those who are in our country, legally, and working toward work permits and benefit programs.
Politico reports the "death" of a comprehensive tax bill, in committee at the time Obama decided to announce his Monarchical status as "president," a Congressional decision supported by none other than Harry Reid, that took the earned tax credit and child tax credit (two considerations) reforms, off the table. The deal had been in the making for weeks, and all reports were that an agreement was "just around the corner." Understand that the "earned income tax credit" is a give away program to the working poor, who pay very little federal taxes or no taxes at all. Ditto for the "child tax credit." These programs transfer money from those who earn higher wages and pay substantial taxes on those wages, and gives that money to the working poor . . . . . . . . whose ranks will now be increased by 5 million or more, illegals in this country.
You should know that if H Obama had waited a couple of weeks, until after this bill was agreed to and signed into law, the millions of folks included in his order, would have begun to benefit from this wealth transfer, almost immediately. The fact that he didn't wait, tells us much about his motivations in this matter. He is a revenge driven human being, now extremely angry about the midterm debacle he, in fact, caused. In his hast to strike back at the GOP, he has "injured" millions of legal working poor, who would have, also, benefited from this bill.
But his arrogant sense of self-importance had taken a major hit in this last election, and he simply couldn't wait to get even. Make no mistake, with his executive order, this man, who pretends to be a friend of the middle class, has fostered another blow to working poor. His past policies and regulations have jacked up the price of gas, made buying "cheap" housing almost impossible, and, drastically increased new car prices, food prices, and home heating costs . . . . . . all of which effect the working poor more harshly than any other class of Americans. And now, they have to wait until the new Congress is sworn in (Jan 20, 2014) and settles on what to do about Obama's executive order. For certain (or so we are told), these newly pardoned illegals, will not be included in the two tax credit programs; they will not be getting their hands on any of this free money. If H Obama had waited for the passage of this bill, waited for just a few days, things would have been very different for this immigrant population.
So there you have it, an angry and undisciplined Chicago thug, responding to his most recent slap-down, making things worse for most Americans. Democrats, he is your man, do something about his rogue nature and what he is threatening to do in the coming two years !!!
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