Read that headline again. That's me and most, if not all, of my friends. We come from families who fought in the Civil War and won that war, for the sake of a whole population enslaved by folks who should have known better. There is no "rebel flag" in my home and no memories of that war, in spite of the fact that we helped to kick rebel ass. We (me, my family and friends) have moved on.
Sadly, the Yankee mentality went "liberal" and Godless, to the point that many no longer believe in this country, its Constitutional foundations, or, the God that set this whole thing up. Unfortunately, some blacks feel the same way (the Sharpton/Black Panther/Eric Holder/H Obama/Jeremiah Wright/Louis Farrakhan/Bill Ayers, Maxine Waters,Dick Durbin crowd) , about this once great country. They detest "whitie" and ignore the fact that "whitie" played the major role in giving them their freedom. These folks embrace an incestual (as in "inbred") hatred of Southern Slavery that finds them reliving the past as if the Civil War did not happen, including the deaths of thousands who gave their lives on their behalf. And, then, you have the descendants of the Democrat South - families that privately hate blacks unless, of course, they are subservient or live in somebody else's town. They still talk of reviving the South and continue to cherish that damned flag so many of their younger punk kids like to fix to their pick-up trucks, as if they know what they are doing or understand American history.
Point of this post? Obviously, I am the only one who is right in all this mess. Good to know. Agree?
Seriously, this blog is fiercely conservative, but not inbred and anti-American per all three groups, described above. The real enemy are those who are already here and embrace Marxism at any level, who seek to be friends with the pathological killers in Radical Islam and work to change that killer-mentality rather than eradicate it from the face of this earth, who embrace Castro, see Venezuela as a pleasant model of successful governance, and, oppose a man's right to work or express himself in free, political, speech. No apologies for this stand . . . . . . . no apologies, ever.
Just wanted you all to know.
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