Bill Gardner / The Incidental Economist:
The ACA is working. So why is the opposition to it so strong and persistent?
Editor's notes: Actually, the ACA is not working, at least, not as promised or planned. But, apparently, that does not matter to the likes of Bill Gardner.
As of this past Wednesday, the Administration's own numbers were revised downward, moving the number of folks who have signed onto ObamaCare and made their first payments, from 7.1 million to 6.7 million . . . . . . not the 8 to 10 million reported just a few months ago.
Understand that 4 million folks whose existing insurance policies were summarily canceled, are a part of the 6.7 million total. In other words, only 2 million folks who previously were without insurance coverage, are now covered. Compare that to the Administration's "coverage goal" of 30 to 40 million Americans.
If you think that is a "working" picture, I will take 300 bucks from you, give you 2 dollars in return, and you will probably be happy. Kind of a stupid return on a promise, no?
More than this, the ObamaCare site remains unprotected from hackers, and has been proven "impossible" in Maryland, Massachusetts, Oregon and Washington states.
But that is not the end of the bad news, for this poorly written law. The employer mandate will not be fully implemented until 2018, when the unions will begin paying a 40% tax on their "Cadillac" policies. Want to hear a huge population of grown men crying? Wait until 2018.
The fact of the matter is this: ObamaCare claims are as fraudulent as the promises and Gruber style scams, used to sell this legislation to concerned Democrats within Obama's New Socialist Party.
I have made this point before, but, if no Republicans were fooled by the phony numbers and fraudulent math coinmg out of the Obama Administration, it remains that Obama was only trying to fool his own party members. Sadly, they have not figured that out, as of this writing.
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