Why the difference between the Left and Right? Well, its not good news, but the reason for the difference involves an illness.

As a demonstration of just how mental the Left has become,  as the result of Utopian nonsense and heavy drug use,  we have this college Halloween costume that has been banned as "offensive."

Not just silly,  this is a sign of a degenerate mental state,  created by the Left.

Think about it.  This bunch will argue that for transgendered rights when everyone knows,  these folks have reality issues.  How nuts is that ?!

They will argue for a healthy economy in spite of the fact that food stamps have double and the number of Americans giving up on ever finding a job is at the highest rate in 36 years.  How nuts is that ?!

They will enable Iran to become nuclear when everyone knows that this will be the end of the State of Israel.  How nuts is that ?!

They will double the price of transportation,  making life that much more impossible for the working poor,  and then tell these same people that they are fighting for the middle class.  How nuts is that ?!

They will vote for a man who promises to be "more flexible" as regards to Russian demands.  How nuts is that ?!

They passed the Lilly Ledbetter Equal Pay Act in 2009 and then argue that the GOP opposes fair pay for women. I mean,  "We solved the problem"  but "We did not solve the problem."  How nuts is that ?!

"We have to pass legislation before we can know what is in that legislation."  Seriously,  how nuts is that ?!

"We are the ones we have been waiting for."  Huh ?  Mental illness for certain,  if you believed that crap.

We have 28 Republican governors,  working more years, now,  proving there is no war on women,  yet the Left continues to preach this nonsense.  How nuts is that?

I will vote for Obama because he will make college affordable for me.  After six years,  I have to ask,  How nuts is that ?!

"There is no such thing as 'victory' in our war against terror."  How nuts is that ?!

"If we extend a hand instead of a fist,  our enemies will respect us and peace on earth will become a reality."  Good grief.  How nuts is that ?!

I could go on and on.  Point?  Haven't any of you ever wondered  how the hell the Left can honestly believe some of the fairy tales they claim to be true?  The answer is clear.  Their Utopian fantasies have interfaced with their frontal lobe(s) and rendered them mentally incapable of reasoned political practice.

Its a theory,  but,  over the years,  it has proven to true, time and time again.  And these people (love to) reproduce as much as they love their pot.


  1. Haven't seen your Anonymous commie buddy around for a couple of days. You guys had interesting conversations, I will give you that.

    1. Apparently, he got tired of getting his proverbials kicked. Hope the reason is not more serious that that.

      But he was a great example of the half truths Libs love to tell. Over the year or so, my Anonymous opponent seldom dealt the actual issues posed to him, and failed or refused to actually debate. Calling names, character assassination, and made up "facts" are all a part of the Liberal/Utopian agenda. There are plenty like him, waiting in the wings. I cancel out lots of one line trash talking comments every day. But there are a few who actually have something to say. I post only one series at a time. To allow more than this would be to "flood the zone" to the readers confusion . . . . . and there are plenty of Right Wingers who love to trash talk, as well. Not allowed, here.
