Source for this morning's lede: BAGHDAD (AP) . To add to the bad news, the AP has reported, in recent weeks, that as many as 12 depots for warehousing poisonous gas, have been found to exist in Syria, in spite of Obama's claims to the contrary.
Yes, made in the US, given to Saddam Ronald Reagan.
I don't know about the Rumsfeld thing, but much of Iraq's WMD's came from the US. At least, now, you are admitting that Iraq had WMD's. Good for you.
DeleteOf course they did, in the 1980s... and were seen in the 90s by UN weapons inspectors as rotting useless, about as harmful as "what you might have under your kitchen sink" - as
DeleteOf course thats good enough for Smithson to blame Obama for something.
I know - personally know - men who spent years disarming and neutralizing WMD's in Iraq. One was military and the other, a private contractor hired for just that purpose. The WMD's in question and used by ISIS, were found in a captured storage warehouse north of Baghdad, your mindless denials to the contrary.
DeleteFrom the article cited:
Delete"In the attacks, about 40 troops and Shiite militiamen were slightly affected... and quickly recovered."
" Islamic State fighters obtained the chlorine from water purification plants"
Yes, Smithson will find some bogus way to connect this with Obama.
I am attaching the gas story to Obama? Actually I used the news event to inform readers of Obama's failure in Syria with regard to ridding that nation of its poisonous gas inventory. THAT has not happened instead of lies to the contrary.