Dr. Fauci, guilty of criminal malfeasance? |
Understand that the only people having come down with Ebola, in our country, have been health care providers dealing with Ebola in Africa. Know, also, that the disease has a 21 to 41 day incubation period.
Kaci Hickox, a CDC employee and the nurse at the center of the current controversy, began whining about her "forced" quarantine, a couple of days ago, as if her convenience and mobility were more important than the risk incurred by the rest of us, her self-centered whining aside.
I can't begin to express my amazement and disgust as to the current debate: to quarantine or not to quarantine. It just goes to prove the sad mental state of affairs within the Utopian Party, and its disregard for the health, welfare and desires of the larger community.
Dr Fauci, a raging liberal, himself, arguing against an imposed quarantine, with the caveat "It will make recruitment in fighting this disease, all the more difficult," (or words to that effect) as "nutcase" and lacking in commonsense as anything said, over the past two weeks, including many of his mistaken comments . . . . and that includes CNN, today, framing a 21 day quarantine as "punishment of our courageous health cared providers."
And, to realize that this is the same bunch thinking they should be in charge of "saving America from itself." Good grief.
After notes: Understand that the "panic and hysteria" the government is complaining about, had its beginnings within the CDC and the scaremongers on the Left. They built up the fear of a "world wide pandemic," not the Right or anyone associated with the political Right. In the beginning of their scare campaign, it was all about the redistribution of funds to Africa. But when Obama and his administration began importing the disease into this country, suddenly the conversation changed, and the Right Wing got blamed for the scaremonger originating with the Left. Funny how that works.
"Obama and his administration began importing the disease into this country"
ReplyDelete- statement is proof of mental illness
Truth hurts, doesn't it, Billy Boy. ALL of the Ebola cases, 9 to date, have been imported into this country via health care providers treating the disease in Africa and Mr Warren, who lied his butt off and was given a via within hours of his application.
DeleteThe fact of the matter is irrefutable: Obama and his CDC Utopian buds, brought this disease into the United States. Can they keep it under control. Kind of looks like they might, but why take the risk? Answer: because Obama cares more about "fairness" than he does about the protection of those under his Regime Rule, plain and simple.
9 states have now issued quarantine requirements that go beyond the feckless CDC standards, "standards" that change nearly every day. The military is requiring a 21 day quarantine, as well, while the CDC has deleted all reference to "quarantine" as the Left continues to play its silly word games with the public.