Here is part of the reason why Obama's Syrian strategy will not work:

From Mail Online:  Obama says 'we'll do what's necessary' against those who 'plot against America' after launching airstrikes in Syria

Editor's notes:  apparently "what's necessary" includes giving ISIS two weeks warning before the bombing runs began,  and doing Monday's first strike at night,  when the fixed targets would be abandoned.  

So he blew up a few buildings.  Big deal.  And where is the press with its incessant body count and daily criticism of the new warmonger in our White House?  Part of the reason why the American people no longer trusts the press any further than they can spit against the wind.  

He has bombed more countries than Bush (7 compared to 4 for Bush),  called for repeal of the 2003 War Act that he now uses to justify what he is doing,  claimed Bush's Iraqi victory for his own and then surrendered that victory to his own stupidity, and,  some still wonder why most no longer have confidence in the man.  

Let's put "what's necessary" in the same scatological down drain as his infamous "red line"  and his version of "justice" for the Benghazi four.  


  1. Why don't you be a patriot for a change and support our war on terror?

    WTF is wrong you?

    Just a hater.

    1. There is no war on terror, Moron. Remember? He crushed al Qaeda except for ISIS and Khorasan, remember? No boots on the ground in Iraq, except for the 1700 that in country, now . . . . remember? Yemen was one of his successes except the capital was just captured by Iranian terrorists, remember? And those bombing runs were substantively successful, according to Kerry, except for the 800 Iraqi soldiers killed, yesterday, in a fort just north of Baghdad . . . remember?
