The Marxist Media pursues the lie showing the GOP as the do-nothing faction in D.C.

Burgess Everett / Politico: 
Dems paint GOP as shutdown party

Editor's notes: I actually did not read beyond this headlined wording. Why?  Because the article cannot count for much when the headline is so misleading. Understand that the Democrat side of congress has refused to enter into budget debates for five years,  now.  Their leader (the Muslim sympathizer,  B Hussein Obama)  can't even compose a worthy budget proposal,  his budgets being voted on four different times in the two houses of congress,  losing 97 to Zero and 99 to Zero in the Senate,  and 414 to Zero and 416 to 2,  in the House.  

But,  more than this,  the House has sent 257 bills to the Senate with absolutely no action taken by Reid.  Reid,  no friend to the American Democratic Process,  has refused to even allow Senate discussion on any of these bills,  yet,  stands up,  from time to time,  and condemns the GOP as a do-nothing party.  

You can thank the Leftists at Politico for this misleading "news" article. 


  1. Sooooo, you missed the point my main post?

    You talk about the GOP as if the Dems do not have serious problems. The current leadership IS Marxist-sympathetic by their own admission. the current leadership is no more "tolerant" than they were when they ruled the South and invented the KKK. The divide between the true Marxist driven Progressives (i.e Cornell West and Lizzy Warren) is profound and systemic. Bill Clinton, for example, was a big government fellow, but not driven by a Marxist, One World, agenda. I would argue "Ditto" when it comes to Hillary.

    I do not want my congressman to compromise on Constitutional Law, transparency issues, the weaponization of the our federal agencies, or the use of comprehensive misinformation in order pass legislation. I do not want Congress passing any major legislation, at this time. Why? Because Obama and his Marxist Minions use new law as an opportunity to rewrite that law, or ignore it altogether (i.e.border laws, ObamaCare, the EPA regulatory campaign against Middle America). and the establishment of sanctuary communities, whether city or state).

    Does the GOP have issues? Of course. But your side of the aisle has greater issues. The 2010 midterms stand as a historical statement, a historical statement, a monument if you will, against what had been happening, and, I believe, so too will be the case for the coming elections.

    Obama won the past election with far fewer votes that before, and based on the lie, "GM is alive and al Qaeda is dead." Now, the Dems are will have to deal the moral perversion that is implicit in the creation of that lie. While we might have a woman problem, you have a moral problem. The scandals are slowly consuming your party, along with Obama's decision to stand in the shadow of the UN and rule this nation as if he was some kind of dictator.

    The fact that you all had full control of Congress for two freaking years, and did nothing about immigration, is outrageous. See you in November, my commie friend.

  2. How's it feel to be 'stuck in the past?'

    1. You talking about my allegiance to Constitutional law and civil order? Or maybe you reference my belief in marriage (10% poverty for married households versus 38% poverty for single parent families). Then, again, you might be thinking of my thinking that a man cannot say he is a woman and BAM, he is a woman. I could go on for a couple of hours.
