If Palin is not going to run for the presidency in 2016, this blog supports Marco Rubio. Here are some of his thoughts as to whether he will run for the High Office.

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  1. Rubio, almost as dumb as Palin.

    Question: How old do you think the Earth is?

    Rubio: "I’m not a scientist, man. I can tell you what recorded history says, I can tell you what the Bible says, but I think that’s a dispute amongst theologians .... Whether the Earth was created in 7 days, or 7 actual eras, I’m not sure we’ll ever be able to answer that. It’s one of the great mysteries."


    1. What is really funny, is that list of accomplishment coming from your hero. The fact of the matter is this: the origins of the universe are philosophical issues, not scientific, since nothing about the various theories of origins has been demonstrated to be true in lab experiments, nor will they ever be. We will never demonstrate that something came from nothing, or in terms of the latest "scientist" nonsense, that "some things" (matter and motion) are forever in an universe that is winding down.

  2. Excuse me?
    The question was;
    How old do you think the Earth is?

  3. BTW... on the same subject, Ken Ham who Smithson supported in a debae about creationism said today:

    "The U.S. space program is a waste of money because any alien life that scientists found would be damned to hell. I’m shocked at the countless hundreds of millions of dollars that have been spent over the years in the desperate and fruitless search for extraterrestrial life. Secularists are desperate to find life in outer space as a part of their rebellion against God in a desperate attempt to supposedly prove evolution.”

    That's YOUR level of intellect. The Republican level of intellect and scientific literacy.

    1. Why do you think I supported Ham's conclusions? If you can dream up an accusation, apparently that dream becomes your reality. I certainly believe design demands a Designer but I am not inclined to be believe in a young earth - such a "wedge" issue, and NOTHING having nothing to do with politics, however.

  4. General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton Rasmussen Reports
    Clinton 47, Rubio 36 Clinton +11

    1. How silly. The "most popular presidential candidate in the history of mankind," Obama, won his first election by less than 8%, and the second by less than 5%. Besides, I do not believe Hillary will survive your primary process.

  5. No one really knows. Would you want me to furnish you with any number of guesses? I would say it pretty old. So what?
