(Updated 8 am pt, for both decisions) Today, Monday the 30th, the Supreme Court will announce its decision concerning Hobby Lobby's suit to refuse the mandated contraceptive requirement in ObamaCare. Odds do not favor Hobby, but time (shortly) will tell. A second decision . . . . .

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Understand that Hobby Lobby does not oppose the  offering of birth control,  only those four processes out of 20,  that appear to be birth control by birth control.  

A second High Court decision, today,  has to do with the Constitutionality of forced unionization.  Incredibly,  the self-serving Utopian socialist unions have taken up the business of forcing healthcare providers and their labor force,  among other small businesses,  into paying union dues whether those businesses are union concerns or not.  

The reader needs to understand that the Utopian crowd and its labor unions are not about freedom,  individual liberties or responsibilities,  or the historicity of this once great nation.  In light of these stated realities,  the Socialist Progressives and their unions,  are traitors to this nations very existence,  and that is true,  regardless of the Court's decisions, today.  

Updates as to the Courts decisions,  being released this morning.  

5 to 4 decision reversing an appellate courts and making it cleasr that public unions cannot force non-union businesses or individuals to pay union dues or join public unions.  

Another 5 - 4 decision argues that Hobby Lobby, as a "closely held business,"  owned by a family,  individual or a narrow partnership that is not open to public ownership or responsible to shareholders,  has a degree of freedom to run its business in light of ownership [religious] conscience.  "Closely held" businesses cannot be forced to violate the religious beliefs of ownership.  GM,  and similar businesses,  are not included in this decision.  They are required to follow or offer all 20 specified "birth control" methods, but, an individual or partnership does not lose its liberties as to conscience,  when they decide to create and operate a business.  

Obama and his socialist,  anti-American regime,  may decide to ignore the Court,  as it has in the past,  and continue its campaign against people of conscience  -  in view of the fact that they (this regime) has no conscience, itself.   

Fines are scheduled to be levied against Hobby Lobby and such benevolent concerns as Little Sisters of the Poor,  a Catholic charity.  Will the godless Obama persecute Little Sisters?  We will know in short order.  

Understand that no Administration has suffered as much legal disgrace as Obama's.  Percentage wise,  Obama loses 63 High Court cases out of 100,  the worst record - by far - in American history.  He claims to be a "Constitutional scholar."  If that is true,  his pathetic Court record proves that he does not care for that document and is an enemy to its existence.  He has lost 13 decisions 9 to Nothing,  That is not by accident.  Rather,  it represents Obama's anti-Constitutional agenda.  

Good for the Court !!!  


Added commentary:  

The decision appears to be in part an extension of the Citizens United ruling, which found that corporations could be considered “persons,” in this case persons with religious beliefs. But in this decision, only “closely held” companies – those with only a few owners, often families – are termed to have religious beliefs, not large corporations.  http://www.whitehousedossier.com/2014/06/30/supreme-court-rules-favor-hobby-lobby/?awt_l=85bbg&awt_m=3bkl_hN_0WTM1Od

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