More than 300 Americans have been killed or wounded by admitted acts of domestic terror, since 2009. Add to this list, countless facility attacks as domestic terror efforts ramp up, under a president who wishes they (the terrorists) weren't here.

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The FBI is investigating a June 11, 2014 (last Wednesday)  attempted sabotage of an Arizona power plant,  in Nogales.  The attack failed,  because the explosive device used in the attack (a) did not explode,  and (b) was not large enough to detonate the targeted  50,000 gallon, diesel tank used to power the station,  if it had.   

The power plant has 7 on-site employees but services a local population of 30,000.  No injuries were reported. 

It appears the terrorist (or so many believe them to be) gained access to the power plant yard,  during Tuesday night. 

This incident does not stand alone.  Within the state,  as far back as 2007,  at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station 50 miles west of Phoenix,  a worker with a small bomb was stopped before any damage could be done.  A second reported incident took place last February,   outside Sahuarita, north of Nogales.  Added to these potential attacks is the very sophisticated attack on a major power plant outside of San JoseCalifornia, where 17 transformers were taken out by gun fire,  and,  power lines within the facility were cut  -  all by a terror group which knew what it was doing.  The attack took close to an hour,  and the several terrorists involved,  left the station without detection.  No arrests have ever been made  --  kind of like the Benghazi murders in Libya.   It took 27 days to repair the damage done to the San Jose station. 

Our question is this:  how many attacks on our infrastructure,   have occurred in this country in the past several years.  Local reporting on these types of matters seldom make the national news.  Case in point are the February and 2007 attacks referenced above  . . . .   no national coverage whatsoever.  In fact,  San Jose only made the national news  (briefly) because it was deemed the most significant terror attack of its kind,  in our history. 

While local authorities are left to deal with this issue,  Obama and his clowns continue to brag about their successes against terror.  Local authorities throughout the nation,  know better. 

Now,  you do,  as well.


  1. How many American kids have been shot because of the NRA and the US gun culture?

  2. Zero. How many home defenses were accompanied with a gun, last year? Try 5,000.
