In January, Rush Limbaugh predicted that the Obama Administration would use the Patent office to go after the Washington REDSKINS. Did you know that "Oklahoma" means "Red Man?" Is that state next? If not, why not?

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No one I know,  not a single person,  believes "Redskins" is the rhetorical/moral equivalent to the "n . . ger" word.  The N word has the ring of an offensive slur,  of its own.  It is used by blacks and, to a far less frequent degree, whites,  in that very sense, millions of times a day across our nation -  always a slur,  never for any other reason.  "Redskins" simply does not have that same impact and it is sheer manufactured bias that says otherwise.  Its use is parallel to calling Orientals "yellow"  or Kenyans, "black."   The do-gooders have made a decision that now is the time to win this battle.  It has nothing to do with a genuine sense of injustice;  rather,  this is just something the Anarchist Left is using to,  to make it clear that if and when they flex their collective muscle,  they can  condemn anything.  It is time for normal people to tell this classless collective of Hystericals,  to drop off.    


  1. The WIsconsin "Whiteskins" ... or the Texas "Brownskins" or the "Detroit Blackskins"?

    Unlike the Braves or the Indians or the Chiefs, this is specifically a reference to skin color. Societal norms evolve, as we have seen with gays and pot.

    I know it can be hard for some to evolve, but often it is a matter of respect and modeling for young people as we become a more diverse nation... which is our strength.

    1. I guess it's all about tradition. They've had that name for 82 years. Why suddenly is it not ok? When something is owned and used for so long, it shouldn't be taken away just like that.


      Ask that to the Cherokee who had ancestral land for thousands of years and had to walk the Trail of Tears. But I guess that's ok ... for the white people who forced them out. As long as it's ok for the white people, doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, does, or owns ... no matter how long.

    2. Good grief. What does the violation of tribal grounds have to do with the use of the long held and popular name, Redskins? This whole injury thing is contrived by the control freaks on the Left. And it is all about control, or this bunch of Marxist Misfits would go after all names that could be considered offensive.

      If my home town paper does not use the word "Redskin," I will go to another paper. If a sports station will not use that word, I will get my sports news from the Redskins site. At last report, 90% of Native Americans allowed for the word "Redskins." In most recent polls, 70% of Americans are fine with the name. You all love to talk about "democracy" when it suits your purposes. Will, if we use "democratic" bench marks, the name remains.

      It is not social evolution that has taken place here. Rather, we are looking at social engineering and tireless propaganda at their worst. The Left wants the rest of us to know that they can turn ANYTHING into a political issue and, given enough time, win. That is what they think. This debate over Washington's name is ONLY about the issue of control. Get a life -- that does not order mine around.

  2. Christian Manifest Destiny = genocide

    1. The native American population is larger than it has ever been. Did the federal government, at the time, lie, steal and cheat the Redskin in a shameless display of Federal Abuse? Absolutely. Genocide? Absolutely not or we wouldn't have any bingo halls and poker casinos.

      Apparently you quit religion right after you found out that God pardons the evil doer and works good out of a system of existential failure. NO NATION of any size, on earth, has a history of purity and good will to all. Your buds in the Marxist tradition, are hardly examples of political righteousness. Your European pals laid the foundation for slavery in the New World. Your disenfranchised black man in Africa organized the actual slave trade and profited from his existence. All of South and Central America's histories are full of gross inequities.

      We have learned and are learning our lessons, as a nation, and are moving forward. There is no similarity between us and present time China, N Korea, Venezuela - Honduras - Mexico - El Salvador - Guatemala - Libya - Egypt - Iran and Russia, to name a few of the world's depots.

      I remind you of your 1% status (status not wealth) and your beautiful home on high. where would you have the freedom to earn and express you giftedness. In what country in this world, would I be able to ride from border to border, without being stopped, questioned, or even imprisoned?

      With all its faults, this is the greatest nation on earth. I do not know why both sides of the aisle can't work together to continue our manifest destiny.

    2. The jewish population is larger than it has ever been.

    3. Look, the inequities of our military/federal complex performed terribly. I am not one who defends their action, nor do I fault such victories as the one we call "Custer's last stand." A few years ago, there was a huge debate, here in my fascist state of California, over the issue of sovereignty and the local Indian nation(s). Specifically, could they build a casino or anything, for that matter, without going through local permitting processes controlled by county government. I was quite vocal in the support of Indian sovereignty. Most voters in the state supported that point of view, as well, and the county had to back down for lack of support.

      The point, here, is the fact that the maligned populations of this country, whether my Irish ancestry, or the Pollocks, or blacks or native Americans or the Chinese workforce, all of them are, now, an integral part of our society. Again, genocide? Not even close and such was never the intent. There is a difference, you know, between defeating an enemy and wiping them off the face of the earth. In Germany, total extermination was the call of the day. Surely you, Mr. 1%, can see the difference . . . . although your single sentence (immediately above), was a rather clever response, one that some of my readers may have missed as a specific response. Salute.

  3. The Left has no popular alternative to Rush, Hannity, Levin, FoxNews, and on and on. Thgeir radio programs have all failed. No one cares to listen to them . . . and it looks like things have gotten worse, much worse, since Obama ceded power. Kind of funny.
