A comprehensive status report on Iraq, the ISIS invasion, and the collapse of Obama's Middle East theory/policy.

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<<<  The New Reconstituted Iraq but with Baghdad a part of the "Shias" region.  Most observers do not believe Baghdad will fall.  Neither do they believe Iraq will ever be the same.  The Kurds, seeking independence for more than 100 years, now have Kirkuk and their own region of the world.  They will not want to return to the earlier Iraq.  Mosul, Tikrit,  Ramadi (40 miles from the capitol) and 12 other Sunni populated cities are in the hands of ISIS.   The Shiite population represents 60% of Iraqi's.  They have Baghdad and the oil fields in Southern Iraq.  

Update:  ISIS has captured more than 100 tanks,  700 military Humvee's, hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammo,  and hundreds of ground to air, Stinger missiles.  Much of this weaponry is being sent (by ISIS) back into Syria to give aid to the Sunni rebels waging war against the Syrian government  . . . .  one band of pathological murderers warring against another band of pathological murderers.   When ISIS left NW Syria,  this army was worth around 35 million. Three months later,  it's worth is closer to 3 billion dollars or more.  (Updated note:  this last number has been revised down to less than 1 billion making ISIS [still]  the best financed terror army in the world.  If we count in newly acquired property and equipment,  we can safely add another billion dollars to their overall worth).   

Today,  June 18,  ISIS stands 40 miles from Baghdad, with 10,000 to 12,000 forces,  having taken over the Sunni population of Iraq,  15  Iraqi cities in total.  There is doubt that the capitol can be taken by this Radicalized Sunni army,  but it appears that Iraq is  forever (or for a time well into the future),  changed,  ISIS having taken over a third of the country, all of norther Syria and continues to aid the fighting in southern Syria.  

While ISIS has been wildly successful in taking Sunni populated cities out of the hands of Iraqi control,  it faces virtually all of the remaining Iraqi military in the one city of Baghdad.  The word is out,  if you are a Shiite Muslim and ISIS takes your city,  you are dead. 

There is no where to run,  if Baghdad falls.   The Iraqi,  Shiite populated Military,  out numbers ISIS 100 to 1,  with the Shiite populated Iranian army moving into Iraq to help stop the advances of this band of degenerate murderers.  (Iran is responsible for the deaths of more than 1500 Americans in Iraq,  a third of the death count in the 5 year war).  

 President Nuri al-Maliki with Biden.
 Numbers do not tell the whole story,  however.  You should know that Iraq's military has an overwhelming morale problem,  with many Shiites no longer trusting its government and its president,  Nuri al-Maliki.  When Bush left the presidency,  he left behind a free Iraq,  complete with a new constitution,  a voting population,  and a balanced government with Kurds,  Sunni and Shiites all represented.  So strong, in fact,  that Obama decided to take credit for the success of the Iraqi effort, just 12 months into his presidency.   Maliki has been a terrible president,  failing in as comprehensive a manner as our own "president."  

While the Left argues that Obama tried to reach a "Status of Forces" agreement,  with Iraq,  you should know that he was no more in favor of leaving a substantive residual force in Iraq than he is in Afghanistan.  His military generals,  especially General Austin,  wanted a Status force of 23,000 to protect the gains made by the Bush Administration.  Obama could not care less for the sacrifices of the nearly 4500 soldiers who died in the five year war,  or, in the security of the region.  His actions prove the point.  

As a result,  he refused General Austin,  and in subsequent decisions,  reduced the suggested Status force to a ridiculous 3,000 unit force,  which would  remain in Iraq for two years   . . . . .  none of this in line with what one could call a "Status of Forces" treatise requirement.   Smoke and mirrors from Obama.   The world is watching his Middle East policies go up in smoke while he stands in front of a mirror,  somewhere,  plotting his next White House party or funding raising night on the town.  

10 times the size of any other embassy in the world,  this $700 million
facility was designed to be an intelligence center for terror activity in
the region.  Since Obama does not believe that a war on terror is being
waged,  he has abandoned this critical tool effort.  We are seeing the end
game to his irrational behavior as president.  

Finally,  Obama has sent in 100 troops to advise the Iraq military,  and another 275 soldiers to protect the US Embassy in Baghdad.  4,000 Americans remain in that compound,  the size of 80 football fields,  costing $700 to 1 billion dollars,  designed to be the anti-terror, intelligence hub for the US. in that region.    Obama has abandoned this critical strategy,  as he over-sees a complete reversal of all that the US accomplished in Iraq.  

Have the 375 soldiers been sent on a suicide mission,  into the heart of Iraq?  Certainly,  Obama did does not have this as his plan,  but,  then,  again,  he is a very stupid man.  

God help our people,  civilian and military,  remaining in Iraq.  
You might be interested in this WaPost article,  as well: 

 Obama's Iraq disaster - The Washington Post

The Washington Post

2 days ago - This is a mess of the president's own making. ... Now in 2014, as Iraqdescends into chaos, Democrats are trying to blame the fiasco on — you ...


The Collapsing Obama Doctrine  —  Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many.  —  As the terrorists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) threaten Baghdad, thousands of slaughtered Iraqis in their wake, it is worth recalling a few 

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