Mission Statement: This blog reviews the news of the day in light of 242 years of American history. "Nationalism," a modern day pejorative, has been our country's politic throughout history, until 2008. Obama changed that narrative. Trump is seeking a return to our historical roots. Midknight Review supports this return to normality.
When Republican leaders condone an appeal to Democrat Black voters (the most socialist/progressive voting block in the nation) to win an election against another Republican, it is past time for a change
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Thad Cochran and the record setting Loser of 2008. There is a way of beating Cochran - either don't go to the polls in November or stage a write-in campaign for McDaniels. A turncoat Republican is not a better choice for office than a Democrat. Make this type of buffoonery cost the Establishment a seat in Congress . . . . . period. Time for a little down-and-dirty hardball.
They are dead - killed by Hamas - as Obama continues funding this band of Murdering Muslims.
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<<<< All three of these boys were murdered shorting after they were kidnapped by Hamas, as they were hitchhiking home. Their bodies where just found, buried in shallow graves. The Israeli military identified the teens as Naftali Frenkel, 16, Gilad Shaar, 16, andEyal Yifrach, 19. Frenkel is a US citizen
Expect Obama to be stone silent on this matter, as he has during the past two weeks. You should know that Hamas receives funding from the Obama Administration as it officially shares in the leadership of the PLO. The funding is in violation of US law, but such has yet to stop Obama from supporting Islam, world wide.
Expect to see one headline after another, declaring this lie:
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Monday that some corporations can hold religious objections that allow them to
opt out of the new health law requirement that they cover contraceptives for
Editor’s notes:
so goes the lie being told in response to this day’s Supreme Court decision, and a patent lie it is. Hobby Lobby HAS to supply insurance that
covers 16 different methods of birth control.
That is the day’s result. Certainly, Lobby does not have to afford abortion
inducing coverage, but birth
control, per ObamaCare, has survived a court challenge and will
remain the law of the land.
Here are four major department stores offering contraceptives for no more than $9 per month to those who have no insurance via their employers, Thanks to WeaselZippers.com for the list. Keep in mind that contraception is still provided per ObamaCare and is free.
Here are four major department stores offering contraceptives for no more than $9 per month to those who have no insurance via their employers, Thanks to WeaselZippers.com for the list. Keep in mind that contraception is still provided per ObamaCare and is free.
Kroger Generic Drug List and Kroger Store Locator
Sprintec or Trinessa: $9/month or $24/3 months
Price may higher in CA, MN, WY
Kroger Generic Drug List and Kroger Store Locator
Sprintec or Trinessa: $9/month or $24/3 months
Price may higher in CA, MN, WY
Target Generic Drug List (under women’s health) and Target Store Locator
Sprintec or Tri-sprintec: $9/month
Price may be higher in CA, MN, MT, PA, RI, TN, WI, and WY.
Target Generic Drug List (under women’s health) and Target Store Locator
Sprintec or Tri-sprintec: $9/month
Price may be higher in CA, MN, MT, PA, RI, TN, WI, and WY.
Wal-Mart Generic Drug List (under women’s health) and Wal-Mart Store Locator
Sprintec or Tri-sprintec $9/month
Price may be higher in CA, HI, MN, MT, PA, TN, WI, and WY.
Wal-Mart Generic Drug List (under women’s health) and Wal-Mart Store Locator
Sprintec or Tri-sprintec $9/month
Price may be higher in CA, HI, MN, MT, PA, TN, WI, and WY.
Sam’s Club
Sam’s Club Generic Drug List and Sam’s Club Store Locator
Sprintec or Tri-sprintec: $9/month
Price may be higher in CA, HI, MN, MT, PA, TN, WI, and WY.
Sam’s Club Generic Drug List and Sam’s Club Store Locator
Sprintec or Tri-sprintec: $9/month
Price may be higher in CA, HI, MN, MT, PA, TN, WI, and WY.
Hobby Lobby wins and public unions lose !!!!! See our commentary on the scroll down.
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Go to http://jds-midknightreview.blogspot.com/2014/06/today-monday-30th-supreme-court-will.html and read our brief summary of both Court decisions
We must help those coming into our country, illegally, but only when certain demands and requirements are agreed to -- none of which should be political; all of which should be in compliance with existing law and sound accounting practices.
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David Nakamura / Washington Post:
Obama to ask for more than $2 billion in emergency funds to stem
immigration influx — The Obama administration, in a
dramatic escalation of its border-control strategy, will seek —
more than $2 billion in emergency funds to help stem an influx of Central
American women and children entering …
Editor’s notes:
An alternative to federal monies would be to require the Democrat Party
to pay for those coming into this country illegally. After all,
it is the Democrat Socialists who believe in an open border policy. Someone should tell them to pay the bill, seriously.
that a two billion dollar fund has far less than a billion dollars in “street
value,” by the time we take out for interest, transference of funds to other federal/Utopian projects, and the supposed cost of oversight. In the end, it is doubtful that more than 40 cents on the
dollar will actually be spent in the care and supply of the young people
streaming across our borders.
We will
not know for certain, however, because there is never a serious accounting
on any federally funded allocations. You
should know that a “serious accounting” is uncomplicated and
straightforward, the very opposite of
what our government presents. You should know, without a doubt, that a "10 page ledger" (for example) versus a "400 page ledger," both dealing with the same federal program, is the difference between a straightforward accounting of taxpayer monies and a nefarious cover-up, the facts of which are hidden from view but in "plain sight," buried within the pages of an incomprehensible budget/accounting statement.
As an example of a "serious accounting" presentation, a ledger on this money would begin with a total amount, followed by line items showing where the
money came from including the amounts borrowed from ourselves (T bonds and
the like) and from outside sources (China, Japan and the like), the
rate of interest and that cost in dollars.
would, also, be a series of line items detailing all expenditures (cost of money
management, agencies costs, and allocations to state and private agencies
receiving the funding).
Since the
Utopian Socialists running this country, no longer write and approve budgets, we should not expect any sort of accounting
of this money, but we can expect that
some of it will go to ACORN or the AFL-CIO or Greenpeace, or funneled off for energy “investments” or
whatever this bunch of crooks decides to do with the money, since practicing law and order is not a
priority in an Anarchal/Utopian world.
Do our several border states need help to pay the bill for this created crisis? Of course. But a deal should be struck, one that demands border security and obeyance as to all federal laws, especially those immediately affecting this situation.
Such requirements would meet with public approval since we would be demanding law and order, not new legislation or a larger federal bureaucracy. In fact, the expansion of government (new agencies, offices, cars, etc.) should be specifically excluded with the allocation these funds.
THAT is what should happen, but watch as the feckless John McCain and his Progressive/Establishment buds, start crying for a "humanitarian solution," without giving any thought to considerations detailed in this post. Any allocation that puts "trust of Obama and his cronies" at the center of the expense of this money, should be resisted. They are not trustworthy as to our laws or our money . . . . . . crooks and liars never are.
(Updated 8 am pt, for both decisions) Today, Monday the 30th, the Supreme Court will announce its decision concerning Hobby Lobby's suit to refuse the mandated contraceptive requirement in ObamaCare. Odds do not favor Hobby, but time (shortly) will tell. A second decision . . . . .
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Understand that Hobby Lobby does not oppose the offering of birth control, only those four processes out of 20, that appear to be birth control by birth control. A second High Court decision, today, has to do with the Constitutionality of forced unionization. Incredibly, the self-serving Utopian socialist unions have taken up the business of forcing healthcare providers and their labor force, among other small businesses, into paying union dues whether those businesses are union concerns or not.
The reader needs to understand that the Utopian crowd and its labor unions are not about freedom, individual liberties or responsibilities, or the historicity of this once great nation. In light of these stated realities, the Socialist Progressives and their unions, are traitors to this nations very existence, and that is true, regardless of the Court's decisions, today.
Updates as to the Courts decisions, being released this morning.
5 to 4 decision reversing an appellate courts and making it cleasr that public unions cannot force non-union businesses or individuals to pay union dues or join public unions.
Another 5 - 4 decision argues that Hobby Lobby, as a "closely held business," owned by a family, individual or a narrow partnership that is not open to public ownership or responsible to shareholders, has a degree of freedom to run its business in light of ownership [religious] conscience. "Closely held" businesses cannot be forced to violate the religious beliefs of ownership. GM, and similar businesses, are not included in this decision. They are required to follow or offer all 20 specified "birth control" methods, but, an individual or partnership does not lose its liberties as to conscience, when they decide to create and operate a business.
Obama and his socialist, anti-American regime, may decide to ignore the Court, as it has in the past, and continue its campaign against people of conscience - in view of the fact that they (this regime) has no conscience, itself.
Fines are scheduled to be levied against Hobby Lobby and such benevolent concerns as Little Sisters of the Poor, a Catholic charity. Will the godless Obama persecute Little Sisters? We will know in short order.
Understand that no Administration has suffered as much legal disgrace as Obama's. Percentage wise, Obama loses 63 High Court cases out of 100, the worst record - by far - in American history. He claims to be a "Constitutional scholar." If that is true, his pathetic Court record proves that he does not care for that document and is an enemy to its existence. He has lost 13 decisions 9 to Nothing, That is not by accident. Rather, it represents Obama's anti-Constitutional agenda.
Good for the Court !!!
Added commentary:
The decision appears to be in part an extension of the Citizens United ruling, which found that corporations could be considered “persons,” in this case persons with religious beliefs. But in this decision, only “closely held” companies – those with only a few owners, often families – are termed to have religious beliefs, not large corporations. http://www.whitehousedossier.com/2014/06/30/supreme-court-rules-favor-hobby-lobby/?awt_l=85bbg&awt_m=3bkl_hN_0WTM1Od
Re: IRS Criminal Abuse of Power: Judicial Watch was granted a hearing in Federal Court within hours of making that request, Friday, the 27th. All of us should consider donations to this group of lawyers. I intend to do just that.
JUNE 27, 2014
15 share
Watch today filed a Motion for Status Conference, and within hours was granted
a hearing in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia to
confer about the emails of Lois Lerner and other IRS officials, which were the
subject of longstanding Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
requests and a lawsuit, and which the IRS now claims to have “lost”.
Read more
about: IRS
Are we headed for another mini-ice age? 1970 Consensus Science predicted an ice age - maybe their predictions were 50 years too early?
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Warming/cooling patterns since 1900. The latest shift to cooling (source site: http://jisao.washington.edu/pdo/ per the PDO Index is charted below. Clicking on the hyperlink, you will find this statement (below) about warming: Major changes in northeast Pacific marine ecosystems have been correlated with phase changes in the PDO; warm eras have seen enhanced coastal ocean biological productivity in Alaska and inhibited productivity off the west coast of the contiguous United States, while cold PDO eras have seen the opposite north-south pattern of marine ecosystem productivity.
There is concern in the climate science community that we might be entering long term cooling phase. No point in debating that point, since it is far to early to predict a warming or cooling crisis. I highlighted (in red) the comment that supports my oft stated observation, that, to date, all that warming has done is increased the growing/production season(s).
The chart below, graphs warming and cooling cycles AND predicts an extension of the present "cooling" period, well into the next three decades. Of course, we are predicting weather, so anything could happen, but based on current trends and climate conditions, this is one of the possible modeled climate projections, again, per the chart below.
After notes:
scientific discoveries are casting doubt on how much of the warming of the
twentieth century was natural and how much was man-made, and governments around
the world are beginning to confront the astronomical cost of reducing
emissions. Economists, meanwhile, are calculating that the cost of slowing or
stopping global warming exceeds the social benefits.”
So spoke
Senator James Inhofe on the Senate floor on May 17th, reading into the record
the mission statement of the climate conference he was scheduled to be speaking
at that very moment. Rather than addressing the Monday lunch session of
Heartland’s Fourth International Conference on Climate Change, the Ranking
Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works remained in Washington , responding
to the prior week’s Kerry-Lieberman “climate bill” proposal.
Oklahoma Republican, who had assured attendees of last year’s ICCC on Capitol
Hill that no cap-and-tax bill would ever pass the Senate, now stood before
C-SPAN’s cameras doing what only one major news organization – Fox — had done
before him: acknowledging the existence and significance of the 700-plus
scientists, economists, policymakers, and concerned citizens gathering some 600
miles away in Chicago. And their collective objective to “build public
awareness of the global warming ‘realism’ movement,” so that “sound
science and economics, rather than exaggeration and hype” might “determine what
actions, if any, are taken to address the problem of climate change.”
Source of the above text : http://www.globalresearch.ca/post-climategate-towards-a-reassessment-of-the-global-warming-consensus/20017
Allen West speaks out about faith and politics (7 min video)
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Ronald Reagan said, “we are a nation that has a government, not the other way around. We are a nation under God, and I believe that God intended for us to be free.”
Today I had the honor to address the congregants under Dr. Michael Youssef at the Church of the Apostles in Atlanta, Georgia, and speak about my belief that American Patriotism is rooted in Christian patriotism.
Here are a few minutes of my remark
Meet the alternatives to a Hillary and whoever, as the Democrat presidential nominees in 2016..
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Senators Elizabeth Warren, who lied about her having Indian blood, in order to get preferential treatment into Harvard, or so many believe, and Cory Booker (D-NJ). Who are these people? Perhaps an alternative team to Hillary and whoever she chooses for her VP. Understand that Hillary is on record trying to decide if she is going to campaign on change, or continuity . . . . will she run on Obama's record or against it, proving that she has no political center; not the problem with Warren and Booker. He is committed to the general agenda of Obama's, and Warren is a pure bred Marxist/Socialist. Obama is a self-serving, messianic Marxist by contrast.
You won't believe what they are calling "global warming," now.
<<<< Antarctica this winter. Niagara Falls froze SOLID this winter; Mid West just had coldest winters in decades and Antarctica has record ice flow - according the intellectuals in the Commie Camp of Crony Comrades, this proves "globull warming." And, to think, they have no clue why they are loosing the bebate in the public arena. Geeeeesh.
The sea ice coverage around Antarctica over the weekend marked a record high, with the ice surrounding the continent measuring at 2.07 million square kilometers, according to an environmentalist and author who says the ice there has actually been increasing since 1979 despite continued warnings of global warming.The new record was posted for the first time by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s online record, The Cryosphere Today, early Sunday morning.It’s not apparent if the record actually occurred on Friday or Saturday, says Harold Ambler on his blog, Talking About the Weather.Ambler is a journalist and author of the book “Don’t Sell Your Coat: Surprising Truths About Climate Change.”
Obama's Saturday radio speech and his defiance of law and order given more definition.

17 share
Obama: “This obstruction keeps the
system rigged for those at the top, and rigged against the middle class. And as
long as they insist on doing it, I’ll keep taking actions on my own – like the
actions I’ve taken already to attract new jobs, lift workers’ wages, and help
students pay off their loans. I’ll do
my job, and if it makes Republicans in Congress mad that I’m trying to help
people out, they can join me, and we’ll do it together.”
Editor’s notes: Understand the sheer subterfuge of this
man. His most recent radio address comes on the heels of an unanimous
Supreme Court put down, reminding this
foreigner* that he is not to act alone,
that his job as president is to work with the legislative body that is
Congress. In light of this week’s High
Court decision regarding recess appointments and Obama's illegal use of presidential
power, his Saturday radio address is
nothing short of an arrogant “Don’t tell me what do” confirmation of his
lawless agenda.
* Note: I use "foreigner" to put his agenda in its proper context - that of an outsider who detests everything historical about our country.
While the takers on the Left
cheer, they ignore the undeniable fact
that for the first two years of Obama’s first term, he completely ignored the GOP, with malice of forethought, meeting with its leadership just three times ( no more than 40 minutes total, with the GOP in two years) in very short sessions, and not allowing
a single suggestion as to ObamaCare.
50% of America ’s
voting youth are not going to vote this midterm. Why?
Discouragement with the current Administration, plain and simple. The 18 to 34 demographic is 15% unemployed
after college and 30% of these voters have to live at home, with their parents - both
numbers at 40 year highs. He has done
nothing for the youth in terms of demonstrable measure, and they are the first to confirm this
His willingness to pick and
choose those laws he will enforce or rewrite,
has forced the House into silence.
Leadership has spoken out on Obama’s lawlessness and said, “No more legislation unless and until Obama
decides to obey the very laws he signs into existence.”
And who is the “obstructionist?” Those in the House who have sent 240 bills to
the Senate, including six bills dealing
with various aspects of immigration, or a
Senate who refuses to allow floor discussion on these bills, and is the least productive Senate in
American history?
The man is not my president
BY HIS OWN DECLARATION. Fine with me. Every election
for this creep, is a revenge
election, and because of his “take no
prisoners” attitude, he has divided this
nation as never before, and set back
race relations 50 years.
Worse yet, the man is a crook on par with Richard
Nixon. He uses the IRS to punish his
opponents (Nixon only wanted to do this - Obama actually has been doing this since he took office), openly disrespects the High
Court including the two justices he has appointed, and has destroyed America ’s reputation overseas.
Literally, he has spent four and a half years doing
nothing but talking (more than 700
personal appearances and speech each year),
spent 4 full months playing 179 rounds of golf while his wife takes 5 multi-weeks
vacations every stinking year.
The bad news is this: he is
not going to stop. The good news is
found in the fact that this clown of a president cannot do anything in a
permanent way without legislation. His regulations
and executive orders can create an absolute mess of things, but all of it can be reversed. Don't get me wrong. Apparently he can grant amnesty to those in this country, now. But he cannot change national policy on a permanent basis. When he is gone, we will still have to deal with immigration as a legislative issue. He cannot "fix" that with his pen and phone.
He created the current border
crisis for the sole purpose of forcing Congress to pass comprehensive
legislation. He cares nothing for
people, for the middle class, law and order, or this nation, except as he sees it a toy in his Utopian
and childish playroom, waiting for his brand of domestic reform.
Nothing he has done, to date,
has worked as promised,
nothing. Whatever he plans to do
with immigration, will be as big a mess
as anything he has done, to date . . . . .
good news and bad news all rolled into one commodity.
Does the GOP want to work the
sitting president? Of course, but “working with the president” and “taking
orders from this moron” are two different things.
Why did it take nearly two years to arrest this moron? For starters, he was only a member of the murdering crew, not in terror leadership at all. In other words, "they" are going to get away with the Benghazi murders !! Thanks Mr. President for your leadership on this ????? (no article).
27 share
This arrest is nothing but more of the Obama/Benghazi cover-up. This moron/killer has nothing to do with alQaeda leadership. Time will tell the truth, but my "truth" comes from early military reports. Just more smoke and mirrors coming from this Word Smith we have for a "president."
No question, if Iraq is not rescued, its failure will be a part of the Obama Legacy. Doubt me? Read what the Left has to say about Iraq.
27 share
Blame The Obama Doctrine For Iraq
Obama keeps trying to blame Maliki, but his administration left Baghdad vulnerable so he could claim in 2012 he’d ended the war he’d opposed all along.
The question “Who lost Iraq?” will inspire discussion, debate, and deconstruction by American foreign policy experts and practitioners for generations to come. And with good reason: the implosion of Iraq and the expansion of al-Qaeda-inspired militant movements across the heart of the Middle East represents the type of monumental setback for American foreign policy not seen since the Cold-War-era debates over “who lost China” and “who lost Vietnam.”
But while determining who (or what) is most responsible for the current Iraq debacle is important, of greater significance is figuring out what it means for America’s broader role in the world, and for an Obama White House that still has more than two years left on the ledger.
By any measure, the outlook appears grim. Indeed, Iraq is simply the most recent foreign policy calamity for an administration obsessed with reducing America’s role in the world. There is still time for a course correction. But for that to happen the administration needs to become far less concerned with winning the political “blame game” over Iraq, and focus on restoring America’s flailing global leadership.
It certainly does not inspire confidence that the White House is now in full defensive mode on Iraq, seeking to absolve itself of any responsibility for the stunning turn of events. The administration is of course blaming former president George W. Bush for starting the war in the first place (obviously true—but large bipartisan majorities in Congress also voted for the war). It is also trying to lay all blame on the Iraqi government for supposedly rejecting a proposal to leave behind a residual U.S. troop presence in Iraq after the prior Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) expired at the end of 2011 . . . . . you can finish this article at The Daily Beast, on of the Left's largest and more favorite sites.
No wonder the Taliban will not negotiate with Obama. Turns out they, unlike Obama, intend to win the Afghan war . . . . and most say, "They already have."
12 share
poor reader interest
<<< Sadly, this bunch of murdering morons have beaten the strongest military in the world, a military neutered by political correctness and an Utopian Fairness Doctrine that puts the safety of a civilian population ahead of the safety of our own troops. Before Obama finishes his term, he and his Democrat buds will have wasted - in toto - the admitted advances in Iraq and Afghanistan our troops died to establish.
KABUL, Afghanistan — In one
of the most significant coordinated assaults on the government in years, the
Taliban have attacked police outposts and government facilities across several
districts in northern Helmand Province, sending police and military officials
scrambling to shore up defenses and heralding a troubling new chapter as
coalition forces prepare to depart. NY Times : http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/28/world/asia/taliban-mount-major-assault-in-afghanistan.html?_r=0
Clearly, in demonstrable and undeniable terms, our 44th is a rogue presidency never seen before.

20 share
When a sitting president rebels against Constitutional
prescribed limitations to his executive powers,
his decisions are challenged in federal court. All president have to deal with such legal
challenges. When a sitting president is
the first to have 13 of his decisions reversed in the Supreme Court by a 9 to 0
margin, we are looking at a rogue
presidency that has come out of the shadows.
While president’s win 70% of their cases at the High Court level, Obama wins 47% and, again,
is the first president to have lost by unanimous decision (including his own appointees) in 13
different situations.
If actions speak louder than words, Obama is as rogue as you get.
What will be his response to these embarrassing
defeats? To ignore the admonitions and decisions of
the Court, and proceed with his
own, personal agenda for this
He can make a mess things,
but he cannot change the existential and institutionalized structure of
this country, based on ignore and
arrogant fantasy.
After 5 years of doing nothing to fight terrorism world wide, Obama has decided to act on his own as he tries to cover up his complicity in the five-fold expansion of al Qaeda related terror organizations, the lose of Iraq and his defeat in Syria.

32 share
<<<< The world of terror after three years of Obama's terror policies and its' epic failure(s).
Editor's notes: Since 2010, al Qaeda related terror groups have grown by 58%. With his first day in office, Jan 21, 2009, began to dismantle the CIA's interrogation program, turning it over to the FBI, a clear statement that he had decided to treat terror as a criminal concern, requiring civil trials, the supply of attorneys and Miranda Rights.
His military no longer captures and interrogates, leaving us with less knowledge about advancing terror, than we knew back in 2000 and the interrogation teams for the FBI, were never given function. In addition, he has exposed himself as an aggressive supporter of the Muslim religion, never siding with the hundreds of Christian's murdered by Islam, during his presidency. In fact, he is the first president to announce that the United States was not a Christian nation. He converted NASA into a pro-Islamic organization while allowing more than 300 terror/Jihadist caused deaths and casualties within the Continental United States, that nation he has set out to fundamentally transform away from his history and past traditions. He is the first president to pay a ransom for hostages (9 Americans held during the Egyptian uprising and exchanged for five million dollars) and to [illegally] make payments to the terrorist organization, Hamas, in its role as a partner with the PLO. And now, this story, in which Obama is clearly setting out to mute another scandal rising its ugly head on his horizon. Turns out there are some 500 trained European born terrorists, lost to intelligence agencies charged with tracking these killers, and, yes, Obama bears part of the responsibility for this development.
From the Daily Mail because the American Marxist Media will not report this:
Obama has sent a special unit of CIA officers to the UK to investigate British Muslim extremists amid
growing fears in Washington
that we are becoming a ‘breeding ground’ for terrorism.
In a
pointed snub to MI5, the agents arrived on a ‘lone wolf’ mission to interrogate
senior security experts about the radicalisation of UK Muslims.
(Note: M15 is the United Kingdom's anti-terror and security agency. Obama has decided to violate their implied partnership and jurisdiction, and search for terrorists within Briton without M15)
mission has been revealed as our security services have been forced to admit
they are struggling to keep track of the estimated 500 Britons who have travelled
to the Middle East to fight alongside the Islamic Isis forces in Syria and Iraq .
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2673511/Obama-sends-CIA-UK-probe-terrorist-breeding-ground-President-pointed-snub-MI5-lone-wolf-mission-interrogate-British-security-experts.html#ixzz35z3VxnTm
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
According to the Homeland Security News Wire, one of the
reasons for the increase in groups, fighters, and attacks is the widely-known
weakness of governments across North Africa and the Middle
East . Weak governments have difficulty establishing law and order,
which allows militant groups and other sub-state actors to fill the vacuum.
The Rand Corporation study cautions U.S. decision-makers, especially the Commander
in Chief Barack Obama, that the trends described in the study suggest the U.S. law
enforcement and security communities must remain focused on countering the
activities of the Islamist groups. The report also strongly suggests that
Islamic terrorism is enjoying a resurgence especially in North Africa and the Middle East .
The report specifically cautions the United States (Barack Obama) to resist his
temptations to turn his attention and resources away from the Middle
East and towards the Asia-Pacific region as part of his
“rebalancing strategy.”
“Based on these threats, the United
States cannot afford to withdraw or remain disengaged
from key parts of North Africa, the Middle East and South Asia,” said Seth
Jones, author of the study and associate director of the International Security
and Defense Policy
Center at RAND ,
a nonprofit research organization. “After more than a decade of war in Afghanistan and Iraq ,
it may be tempting for the U.S.
to turn its attention elsewhere and scale back on counterterrorism efforts. But
this research indicates that the struggle is far from over.” Source of quote is found here.
Global Warming as a crisis that man can prevent or reverse? Here is a summary as you practice a little "critical thinking" for the first time (?) in your lives. The conclusions are yours. The summary is mine.
60 share
very high reader interest
<<<< One of the most recognized Alarmist picture, depicting a lone polar bear (as if close to extinction - he is not), clinging to his last hope for life, as if he forgot how to swim. The picture is as much a scam as is the anti-intellectual Alarmist Movement. After all, they are the ones who push this picture.
Here is a summation of the
arguments I see as germane to the issue of global warming as a crisis that we
can control or reverse. I ask the reader
to challenge what I briefly state, then
follow that challenge with a second challenge,
in essence, debating with
yourselves. Whichever argument you
cannot defeat is your truth.
I begin with this claim: The Alarmists’ view of global warming is man made (the opinion is man-made or invented). I do
not believe in consensus science, nor do
I believe in a theory that cannot consistently predict outcomes. I know that consensus science has been wrong
in the past, in my lifetime, on many occasions, in matters of the environment (acid rain, the hunger bomb, the ozone whatever, the mini ice age), health, economics and social/domestic
structure. I know that alarmists padded
the books for more than a decade, with
that story breaking in 2009. I expect
government generated warming charts to say the exact same thing when dealing
with warming rates and historical evaluations,
and they do not I know that 30%
of climate scientists do not believe in the alarmists' views (there is more than one) of warming while
believing, at the same time, that warming is happening. I
do not believe that warming has occurred in 12 of the past 16 years. I believe that the current warming rates
began near the turn of the 1900's, back
in the day before we became an industrialized nation. I believe that warming is occurring
throughout our solar system giving posit to the claim that the Sun is the primary cause of our excessive warming trends. I believe that warming, on our planet, is regional,
not global. I believe that Al
Gore, is a moron, with no moral
core. I believe that Central Planning
pays its supporters and punishes its detractors, that the 70 percenters, those climate
scientists who are Alarmists, are not
free to challenge and are more motivated by the funding they receive than
truth. And I believe that the 97% figure
used to frame faux unanimity within the warming community is a totally fabricated
number, I believe that Alarmist Warming
is a potential money pit for the Socialist Pigs who are running the
industrialized world. And I believe that Millennial and Xer generations have
lost the ability to think critically,
i.e., to criticize their own positions in the name of a search for
truth; they have no sense for the dialectic*
pursuit of truth, they (too often) gobble up
what they read and do so without bothering to question their sources or “the
facts.” Instead,
they pretend that this process of intellectual compliance is, somehow, related to "critical
thinking." Their problem? They are lazy, intellectually.
My readers are typical to the
national population, and have made their
feelings clear. Warming as a preventable
event is in the hands of Mother Earth,
not man; warming as a political
priority is at the bottom of every list I seen over the course of the past five
years, at least, in our country. Australia has officially abandoned
"the cause" and is working to build a coalition against the Alarmist
scare mongers within the climate community. Several European nations, as well (Spain , for example), are moving away from the
Alarmist agenda, as well.
Make note that his particular post is an ongoing project for today, Saturday, June 28. I will be adding Google links and more commentary (perhaps), throughout the course of the morning. ~ Editor.
Obama has wasted the past 4 years regarding the Middle East, and now, Iraq is going to buy Russian fighter jets, thanks to Obama's indecision and ineptitude.
"God willing within one
week this force will be effective and will destroy the terrorists' dens,"
he said.
He said that the process of
buying US jets had been "long-winded" and that the militants' advance
could have been avoided if air cover had been in place.
Isis and its Sunni Muslim
allies seized large parts of Iraq
this month.
Mr Maliki was speaking to the
BBC's Arabic service in his first interview for an international broadcaster
since Isis - the Islamic State in Iraq
and the Levant - began its major offensive.
"I'll be frank and say
that we were deluded when we signed the contract [with the US ]," Mr
Maliki said.
Incredible report putting Obama's "job policy" in a deserving context - and it is an incredible development you may not believe.
According to a major
new report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), net
employment growth in the United
States since 2000 has gone entirely to
immigrants, legal and illegal. Using data from the Bureau of Labor
Statistics, CIS scholars Steven A. Camarota and Karen Zeigler found that there
were 127,000 fewer working-age natives holding a job in the first quarter of
2014 than in 2000, while the number of immigrants with a job was 5.7 million
above the 2000 level.
The rapidity with which
immigrants recovered from the Great Recession, as well as the fact that they
held a disproportionate share of jobs relative to their share of population
growth before the recession, help to explain their findings, the authors report.
In addition, native-born Americans and immigrants were affected differently by
the recession.
Other significant findings
include . . . . . .
Midknight Review is a proud member of the conservative blogging community. Here is this week's Watcher's Council selection - all worthwhile reading, for certain.
Council Submissions
- Simply Jews – Vladimir Vladimirovich, please liberate us!
- Liberty’s Spirit – The Importance of the Words “Jewish State”
- The Noisy Room – Internet Control — Keys To The Kingdom
- The Glittering Eye -Ten Years
- Ask Marion – Missing Plane… But What Is Behind the Curtain?
- Joshuapundit-‘Nice Little Jewish State Ya Got There..Shame If Anything Were to Happen To It’
- The Razor – Putin’s Man In The White House
- Bookworm Room – The anti-bossy campaign is just the latest example of the Leftâs obsession with gender, sex, and sexuality as a way of remaking society
- The Colossus of Rhodey – Once again, the local MSM cannot find a better example for pulling at the heartstrings
- GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD – Air/Sea Battle II
- The Right Planet – The World’s Slide Towards the ‘Second October Revolution’
- Nice Deb – Ron Fournier: POTUS May Be In The Middle Of “Full Blown Constitutional Crisis” (Video)
- VA Right! - I Still Love My Country, But Thanks to Obama, I Am Embarrassed for America
- The Independent Sentinel – Boeing Believes Flight MH370 Is In Taliban Territory in Pakistan – Updates
- Rhymes With Right – Concerned About The Wrapper But Not What’s Inside?
Honorable Mentions
- David Gerstman/Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion – Obama, Harper and Cameron in Israel: Three Speeches, Two Friends
- Maggie’s Notebook – ATF Tells Ares Armor to Hand Over Customer List or Lose Everything: Owner Dimitrios Karras Fights Back
- The Pirate’s Cove – Romney: “Able leaders anticipate events…”
- Boker Tov Boulder – Sandra Korn, This Is For You.
- The Political Commentator – Obama Breakfast Cereal
Non-Council Submissions
- The Passing Parade – Leisure time on someone else’s nickel, or so I’m toldsubmitted by Simply Jews
- Avi Issacharoff/Times of Israel – Assad is Starving Palestinians to death in a Syrian Camp, And Nobody Cares submitted by Liberty’s Spirit
- Daniel Greenfield(Sultan Knish)/ FrontPage Mag –The End of International Law submitted by The Noisy Room
- Lilia Shevtsova/The American Interest – Falling into Putin’s Trapsubmitted by The Glittering Eye
- Josh Rogin/Daily Beast - Exclusive: Russia Will Sanction U.S. Senatorssubmitted by Ask Marion
- Arthur Herman/Commentary – Will Israel Be the Next Energy Superpower? submitted by Joshuapundit
- Skeptoid –What I’d Say to the Latest Anti-Vaccine Celebrity submitted byThe Razor
- Victor Davis Hanson/NRO-A New Obama Doctrine? submitted byBookworm Room
- Douglas Ernst – Obama sells generational theft on ‘Funny or Die’ while Putin dies laughing — Russia has stolen Crimea submitted by The Colossus of Rhodey
- Alexandria – 44 Imposes Sanctions On Russia submitted by GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD
- Dr. Stuart Schwartz/American Thinker – My Wife’s Last Days — And the Coming ObamaCare Death Panel submitted by The Right Planet
- David Limbaugh -Obama, In His Sole Discretion submitted by Nice Deb
- Reaganite Republican – Why Israeli Gals Will NEVER Have to Wear Burkas… submitted by VA Right!
- Boudica Weblog –Rabbi in Crimea urges Jews to leave Ukraine, fears neo-Nazi attacks submitted by The Independent Sentinel
- Volokh Conspiracy/WAPO – Dateline: Shushan, Persian Empire, 600 BCEsubmitted by The Watcher
- Blazing Cat Fur – Uighur leader: “We have plans for many attacks in China,” plus police officer killed in Xinjiang’s capital submitted by Watcher
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