Obama's deceit regarding the latest jobs report, has a couple of problems.

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Over the past several days,  Obama has bragged about the newest 6.3% unemployment rate without even hinting at the fact that the size of the workforce is the smallest in 35 years.   Of course "unemployment" went down;  806,000 people left the work force in a single month (April) and are no longer counted against the unemployment percentage.  Count them,  they are not working, after all,  and,  you have 6.7% or 6.8% unemployment.

He loves bragging about the "consecutive number of months"  of job growth in the private sector.  That number is 49 but he "rounds the number up," and brags of 50 consecutive months of job growth.  He does not mention that Bush had 52 consecutive months of job growth,  nor,   does he (Obama) mention that of the 49 months,  47 of those months saw more people leaving the workforce,  altogether,  than the number of jobs created.  Bush did not have that problem.

In other words,  more jobs were lost than created,  in 47 of the past 49 months.  NET jobs is the key, here,  and Obama NEVER speaks of that number.

Again,  Obama tells those who listen,  that he has created 9.2 million private sector jobs,  when the NET total is just under 2 million.

BTW,  all of these numbers come from the Census Department and are not Right Wing numerology.  

Point of post:  Obama is not a trustworthy man.  60% of the population believes he will lie most or much of the time.  Every major reason for ObamaCare was lie,  for example.  So,  why would anyone listen to him when he is talking about the current "recovery?"


  1. I think you've got the wrong man.
    The 935 lies of George W. Bush:

  2. I don't know about the number of lies. "WMD's" was not a lie. But "935" is not DIFFERENT lies, assuming the use of the term "lie" for the sake of argument. That number is closer to 10 different "lies" repeated over the years.

    Obama, on the other hand, has actually told several hundred DIFFERENT lies and repeated those, ad nauseam. Using your standards for measuring "lies," Obama would dwarf Bush's total, perhaps by thousands of "lies."
